Charity satsraiser for a pet rescue is a great idea. Would be nice if we find one that will take the donation in bitcoin and commit to keeping it on their balance sheet instead of immediately converting to fiat.
I mentioned my best ideas yesterday. Dog day afternoons- everybody post their dog pics. Since cats are a bit mischievous you could have a cat takeover of dog day once and awhile to keep it interesting. And the other was the caption this contest where someone posts a pic of their pet, hopefully doing something cute or funny and we all try to make hilarious captions for it.
Depending how much work you want to give yourself, you could do a Pet (animal) fact of the day post. I was thinking about randomly doing interesting sports facts in the sports territory as well. I never really did it before because we always had fun fact friday but those seem to be on hiatus now so maybe on Fridays I will post an interesting sports fact and others can share theirs too.
Here is a pic of my dog laying on the stairs for no particular reason.
I always like photos of your dog. He looks like a character
Yes she and my daughter are both characters. My life is filled with joy and frustration. Fortunately joy wins out 80/20 but both the dog and the kid know how to push that 20 button.
My entire life I have had male cats and female dogs. The combo works perfectly. She's quite a looker, by the way.
Yes she gets a lot of attention. People love the fact that she has a bit of Dalmatian in her. My wife likes to say "Dalmatian in the front, Pointer in the back".
That's a good idea, your dog is very pretty.