No, this is not the same. LNURL is a HTTP request. Sure you can print a lnurl-w voucher on paper. But you still have the problem that the custodial sees everything and can even delete this specific request. With ecash this is not possible. You can not destroy a specific token. Iam not a lnurl professional, only using it sometimes so i can not explain the difference very well but i think others here can explain the difference.
If nobody answers open a neutral topic: The difference between Lnurl-w and ecash.
Here the differences chatBTC gave me:
Purpose: LNURL-w: Facilitates easy withdrawals from Lightning Network wallets. Ecash Token: Provides anonymous digital cash-like transactions.
Privacy: LNURL-w: Focuses on ease of use rather than privacy. Transactions are not inherently anonymous. Ecash Token: Prioritizes privacy and anonymity through cryptographic mechanisms like blind signatures.
Transaction Process: LNURL-w: Involves scanning a QR code to automate the withdrawal process from a Lightning wallet. Ecash Token: Requires interaction with a mint to issue, transfer, and redeem tokens while maintaining user anonymity.
Trust Model: LNURL-w: Relies on the existing trust model of the Lightning Network and its nodes. Ecash Token: Trusts the mint to issue and redeem tokens correctly while ensuring privacy and preventing fraud.
Usage: LNURL-w: Mostly used within the context of the Lightning Network for quick and seamless withdrawals. Ecash Token: Can be used for various anonymous digital payments beyond just the Lightning Network.
These distinctions highlight how each system serves different needs within the realm of digital currencies and payments.