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There is a known privacy issue in the #lightningNetwork, where an attacker can gain crucial insights about the recipient in a BOLT 11 invoice!
Check out lipa's Invoice Detective service to learn how much can be inferred just by examining a BOLT 11 invoice and leveraging some knowledge of the lightning network graph.
Invoice Detective can identify whether the payee is a user of a non-custodial wallet, custodial exchange, or something else.
The good news is that blinded paths and trampoline routing might improve receiver privacy a lot.
With this "detective" you are just giving more "tools" to bad guys... Stop being an asshole and providing tools for bad guys.
blinded paths and trampoline routing
it is a long way to achieve that. people nowadays are really dumb and blinded (sic) by ecash "privacy offer". I really wish to see more trampoline nodes, but sadly, people are not interested into that.
The bad guys know how to build this tools anyway. (Its not too hard) Its good to show how easy it is and make people aware of this issue.
Excellent. Thank you for that tool. It's good to know the privacy limits of the current setup so people can work on improving things going forward.
Cool. Another lightning tool. Similar to: https://lightningdecoder.com/ https://lndecode.com/
Thank you for sharing 🙏♥️