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By Ryan McMaken
In spite of what some critics seem to think, it’s not our job to run articles promoting despotism and war in the name of “balance” or “debate.” Our only mission is to promote Austrian economics, freedom, and peace.
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"oppose" the state is meaningless... People should rebut any state or authority...
Fair enough, but I consider that a method for opposing the state. It may just be a superior approach.
You don't have to oppose the state. Just make it irrelevant, obsolete, rebut its authority, all the way. start by NO VOTING AT ALL.
I think we're just disagreeing over semantics. I'm sure the state perceives you as an opponent.
No. The state doesn't know that I exist.
If we think of you as part of the category of people living apart from the state, then they do perceive you all as their opponents.
Just looked up Ludwig Von Mises and Murray Rothbard to get the Wikipedia take and yep there are probably better sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_von_Mises