If a merchant will (be able) reject a tx from your BTC wallet because you obtain those sats from a KYC source or will require you to provide the source of those coins, in that moment BTC will cease to exist.
Yes, it is also but I believe. My point is, you seem to consider this scenario as very unrealistic? While in my view the trend seems to be more and more in this direction and that it something we need to actively discourage / fight against.
FUCK THE GOV! Why do you need gov approval to use your own money? Rebut ANY gov, they do not have any authority or jurisdiction over your own money. https://i.postimg.cc/VNGkmbWV/darth-rebut-gov.jpg
I see your point. Again it boils down to the previous question of whether enough people are willing to accept my money. If this remains true, then indeed no government has any authority over my money.
Why do you need a gov to rule over your money? Build your local communities that will accept your sats. Done. Fuck the gov.
I don't need the government for anything. The question is if my community can remain invisible to the government / can avoid getting captured by it.
Yes. Study UCC
Thank you for the suggestion. Sounds interesting. I will study it.