Comparing a normie to an 1800's chattel "slave" is a pretty horrendous take. It's a trope that needs to end.
Goethe is wrong. And so are you. Actual slaves in chains are in fact more enslaved than those who walk free but may have mental constraints limiting their potential intellectual freedom. Those who walk free are free to visit a library and liberate their minds. Whereas actual slaves cannot.
Inflation is a form of slavery I think what he means
Words matter. Inflation destroys savings, buying power, and transfers wealth from savers and workers to printers. Inflation is theft.
Labeling inflation as "slavery" undermines and trivializes the gravity of the word. Slavery, which is still very present in our modern world, forcibly and violently deprives people of their freedom, subjects them to extreme exploitation, and treats humans as property. I cringe when I hear people use this word in the context of debt or fiat. And I understand that there is a grain of truth in the metaphor. It's just the wrong word choice.
When I hear kids saying that they "raped" someone in a video game - when what they did was PK them or loot something, it is equally cringeworthy.
To be clear, this is not the mountain I am going to die on, I just think we can do better.
Ask your friends if they can afford to leave their job. Unless, they truly enjoy it, unlikely. Even if its cringe, it doesn't make it less true. You're friends CAN QUIT they have FREEDOM and liberty to do so. But most don't because of fear like taxes.
What you say is true, and I am 100% aware that many people are trapped in their jobs. In the U.S. the consequences of quitting and losing e.g health insurance is real. If you have underlying medical conditions, one can feel ensnared, trapped, hopeless, miserable and desperate. These are all negative consequences of a system that exploits working people. But this is also FAR removed from slavery. An actual slave would give anything to have that job, however difficult. That is my point. We can use better words to describe the situation.
20 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 1 Jun
An actual slave would give anything to have that job, however difficult. That is my point.
and my point is that he woud still be a slave, a voluntary one, wich is the worst
No he would not. Because he can still raise a family, find a different job, move out of the country, take a risk and start a business, educate themself, and do an enormous number of things that a slave cannot do. You are using the word metaphorically and it is inaccurate and wrong.
I am sorry, in writing I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself. I like to have pictures(thanks to ai, im able) to articulate myself. Currently, im working on this flaw but at the same time im learning about sovereignty. So if my words seem cringe, understand its viewed like that in my mind. While, you might be more eloquent with words. Try to understand others may not be.
We have all been short changed at one point or another. Would you describe it this way: "I went to the store and bought a cup of coffee for $1 dollar, gave $5 and the cashier did not give me change. The clerk tried to rape me."
Would you describe it this way to your sister or your mom? Is there a metaphorical grain of truth in this statement? Is this the way you see it in your mind?
When I was in high school, I used to refer to after school detention as the "gulag". I would say, "Late to school again and have to go the gulag." I thought it was a funny metaphor. That is until I said it to a Bulgarian friend of mine who sharply rebuked me and said that his grandfather died in a gulag in Siberia. That was the very last time I ever referred to detention as the gulag.
Words matter.
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 1 Jun
I sent a friend the guide to find out how much they're Worth. I advised her not to do because it requires registering with fidelity. Ill keep you updated. Are you in the process to fill out revocation?
With my superior intellect I escaped the Matrix and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.