There’s an urgent matter that need to be discussed and shared.
Nothing that you are going to hear is intended to instigate fear on anyone, rather to give you the heads-up to what is coming and most importantly what we can do to stop it. The intention to share this message with the world is to expose a plan before it happen and in order to make the individuals behind this scene to think twice before they dip what they're going to do.
Most importantly, if this message is shared with the world and shared with the masses, our premature awareness of their plans will likely stop them to move forward:
The Avian (bird) influenza (flu), also known as H5N1 is here and is just starting to spread like a wildfire, Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka1 is the head of the gain of function research for this specific microorganism, to weaponize it and used it against human beings. For those of you who that does not yet know about what gain-of-function research is, it’s defined as:
(GoF research or GoFR) is medical research that genetically alters an organism in a way that may enhance the biological functions of gene products. This may include an altered pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range, suck as the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect2.
In other words, gain of function research, turn on live microorganism into one that is dangerous and can kill its host. It’s a weapon. The lethal version of the Avian Flu is already been intentionally released into the wild as a test and is impacting animals such as birds, bears, raccoons and even dolphins, to name a few. The next step is to spread will be to spread to human beings with the goal to create another pandemic, only this one is intended to make the last one look like child's play.
We need to work out a plan to try to stop all this, shut down some of the labs that plans to release this to the human race. Another plan is to share this very message with the aim to be read and shared by millions. By the way, the labs where this game of function are located in Ukraine. All of this is connected to the war, which has used as a facade, to divert our attention away from what is really going on. The war is not the only one, the arrest of the 45th president, the riot in France and the political chaos in Israel is all part of this diversion tactic as well. The avian flu is not where it ends, the avian flu is meant to bring the next pandemic which would make way for two very specific things:

  1. Global economic collapse, with will lead to the banks collapsing internationally, not just in the USA, and that will be bringing digital money, digital currency for more power and control over the masses.
  2. A global health emergency, which will give them a reason to bringing the need for Digital Health Passport, which world leaders already have signed a declaration on, back in 2022:
At this year’s G20 Summit in Indonesia, the twenty participating world leaders signed a declaration to introduce vaccine passports for their respective jurisdictions, with the stated intention of creating a global verification system to facilitate safe international travel3.
In other words, just in case there’s another pandemic, it’s important to note that the vaccine for the so called H5N1 has already been manufactures, and the US and many other countries have already began purchasing this in bulk, to prepare, again, just in case there’s another pandemic. As already stated, all of this is planned.
So what can we do, and what must we know:
  1. If you get seek with some type of bird flu, this is not something natural, this is man-made.
  2. Stock up on vitamin D and get yourself a nebulizer if you can. Dr. Mercola has a very simple and informative video on how to use a nebulizer the right way4.
  3. Veganism is a good option right now, but if you are going to heat meet, it’s recommended that you stay away from chicken and turkey specifically.
The intention for this message is not to induce fear, rather to give you all the heads-up to protect yourself, and spread enough awareness before they officially deployed the next part of their plans to infect the human race. If enough people know about this, they will think twice before moving forward.
Remember, We The People have the power, we have the chance to take that power back into our hands right now, peacefully.
Share this message far and wide, to give us all the best chances of getting troughs of this with as little damage as possible. Do your own research and be skeptic of what main traditional media divulge.


  1. 19/11/2022 BY: World Leaders Sign Declaration to Introduce COVID Vaccine Passports -
  2. Dr. Mercola- Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide