Personal take.. It does not matter either way. If your favorite crypto can be regulated as a security and has centralization risks the elimination of fragile centralized entities actually saves people from those fragile structures. It could be argued the regulation forces for true decentralization.
In terms of what is best for Bitcoin, I don't see how regulation helps. Altcoins already cannot compete against Bitcoin in a free and open market.
I think it is better for Bitcoin that poor ideas be given the chance to die of their own volition. Nobody really talks about increasing the blocksize anymore because that idea was trialed in the free market and culminated in the failure of Bcash, BSV, et al. Similarly I think it would be preferable for Ethereum to collapse under its own weight, rather than getting Gensler'd, so we have irrefutable empirical proof that PoS is a waste of time.
Currency exchanges should never be taxed. It makes no sense if you think about it.
Who is SEC? What is "regulation" over your own money? Who have any authority, jurisdiction or control over your own money and why? Is bitcoin not "crypto". Make up your mind, are TWO different things.