All good things
They say all good things must come to an end. I suppose so considering everything has an end.
So with that in mind, day 181 seems to be a perfectly great random number to end the "daily post" or at very least the tracking of it. I started the daily posts last July with the Meta takeover posts and carried them on even after the Sheriff of this town finally recognized our land rights (of course with a kickback attached). I never intended the daily posts to become my thing on SN but they kind of did and I have received a number of compliments on my consistency. If I am good at anything, it is showing up. (I didn't take one sick day in 7 years when I had a corporate job). I will still be hanging out on SN daily and hopefully still posting daily but I have some family stuff I have to deal with in the coming weeks and my SN schedule might be all over the place so I don't want to continue tracking the posts. If I miss one, I miss one. Hopefully I don't lose my hat though.
Stacker Sports in June
Considering I am going to be busy especially for the next couple weeks (less so after), I am encouraging all the great stackers who like to contribute to the territory to have at it. I am hoping there aren't tumble weeds rolling through our end of town if I am not around to post. I am sure there will be much NBA and cricket discussed. As noted above, I will still be around daily so I will keep up with the pick 'ems and MLB survivor pool. But I encourage anyone who wants to, to post what they want, when they want and I will be around to comment and zap your great content when time permits.
Sats for all, GR
🫡 bow in the presence of greatness.
A true stacker trailblazer, the godfather of territories.
I hope you and yours are doing well.
Thanks buddy. I will be around. Just have to help my wife out as she recovers from a surgery she is having this week so I will be real busy tending to her plus managing the kiddos and the dog. I will be on SN when I can. Gotta put family first.
Wish you well.
I've got your back. There are a few sports posts that I've had in mind and now's the perfect time to roll them out.
You fought long and hard for this territory. I'm sure we can keep it going in your leave.
Wishing your wife a speedy recovery.
Thanks buddy. I look forward to the posts.
63 sats \ 3 replies \ @gnilma 2 Jun
Thank you for putting in the work for this territory. This is a great place to hang out and I enjoy hanging out here very much.
Wish you and your family all the best and good luck!
Thanks buddy. I will still be around. Just need to help my wife after her surgery this week so will be kind of busy taking care of her, the kids, the dog, the house etc. I don't want to feel inclined to post just to keep a streak going.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @gnilma 2 Jun
I know you will still be around. I did read your post in full and understood what you said. But the streak coming to an end seems like a big deal to me, because I was following sports daily posts and following that streak since the meta takeover days. So just wanted to express my appreciation for the work you've put in to keep that streak going.
Thank you.
Great streak. It has become an institution here. I really think you should have gone out in a blaze of glory with some nice "Rangers Suck" content, but that's just me.
I will probably still post every day. You know I can't stay away from this place.
I have to give the Rangers credit. They played a hell of a series against Florida but I understand the sentiment.
They did. The playoffs have been incredible this year.
Yes very good playoffs. I am sure the NHL isn't too keen on a Florida vs Edmonton matchup but hopefully Edmonton gives Canada a shot to end the cupless streak.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 2 Jun
I picked Dallas to win the cup in another pool. If that ends I'm rooting for the Oilers.
They looked so good heading into this series I am pleasantly surprised Edmonton is up 3-2.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Carresan 2 Jun
Wish you and your family the best!
Thanks so much.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 2 Jun
As a cricket and football lover, I'm excited for the T20 Cricket World Cup and the Euro Cup. The cricket World Cup has already started and I'm super excited to see how the top cricketing nations compete on this big stage. At the same time, the Euro Cup is going to start from mid-June. It's going to be amazing to watch some of the best football teams in Europe go head-to-head. Both tournaments are going to be packed with action. Take care !!
You know I’m always good for a random sports post. But I feel a little dead inside seeing Sam take the panthers to the cup final. Sitting here wondering what could’ve been.
I understand your pain. Man the Panthers look good. Rangers gave them a hell of a series but that is going to be a tough team to beat in the Finals. I am hoping Edmonton seals the deal tonight.
Yea Edmonton has to do it! After this year they could lose Leon. Due to the cap and Leon being a UFA soon. Someone is going to make Leon the highest paid player in the league
Leon is great but is he really that great or he just plays with McDavid. It's the age old question.
Yes indeed
Hey, I made my reply before I saw yours. Hell of a season. As an Islanders fan, I know pain. The good news is they will probably be better next year.