I see the nearly daily reports on the constant decay of key cultural and economic metrics in both USA and Germany. My humble advice from personal experience:
  1. Stop frying your nerves with it. It's done: it's happening, you know it's happening, you know what's the cause, you know what's the solution.
  2. Concentrate on the solution, you haven't even started yet. For the 3 years I worked for Milei I was nearly absent from social networks, for I was working on the solution.
  3. Curating information is important to back your stand, but give them to the one who ask. Don't worry that much on publishing because either A) people who already agree will agree, B) people who disagree will disagree, even if their own political overlords confess right in their faces, they-will-not-move. Influencers are an exception to this, but they are a different beast: a machine of de-neutralization of people.
  4. I read a lot of "hopefully this will reverse". Yes, of course it will, socialism is fundamentally flawed and destined to collapse by design, there will be no other final result. It will always end, it will always reverse at some point. The idea is to not to go back to stone-age to find that point of reversal again. At any point, the only worry is how much time will be wasted. Argentinians as a nation wasted 100 years of potential growth (socialism started being adopted in the 20's, with immediate negative effects). We have now reversed that, yes, of course, it was bound to happen at some point. But... don't let 100 years go by before that happens to your nation.
Bonus: use us, Argentinians, as resource. We traversed this path. There are thousands of veteran, enthusiastic youngsters who will eagerly collaborate, I can introduce you to many on twitter (as an example, dozens joined this space we made with Austin Petersen).
As always, here a Knight of Liberty at your service.
Thanks for this. I'd love more stories. Crazy stories about government insanity. They're always good for either a laugh, or as warning about what could happen next here.
Also, is it really true that Argentina has...turned the corner? It's really, truly, becoming a freer, more prosperous nation? What are some good Argentinian magazines/websites/forums to look at, that give some down and dirty looks at how things are going?
About stories: oh men, I have so much serious netflix series material that I have been keeping notes, I'm for sure publishing a book in the future. At every point what happened defied verisimilitude so much that it was difficult to process...
And yes, the youth has changed the moral compass of the country, and since that's a change from the roots, it's assured to continue for decades to come, even more as MIlei starts having a positive impact.
About sources: twitter is pretty good, but there are many influencers that are excellent "Liquidity Providers". But it's all in spanish. Thankfully, an excellent source which you can translate is Reddit, please check:
In the rare occasions in which you did convince someone to change his POV, how did you do so?
Interesting question, the answer is pretty creepy: it isn't rare to make someone change his PoV. Even the most stubborn fundamentalist will end up completing the reasoning by himself if you start him by a simple logic train of thought. That's not the problem, the problem is what happens afterwards: even if they arrive there by themselves, when faced with the reality that they have been believing with passion something that's not only completely wrong but it's the very cause of what they thought they were solving by defending it, people will immediately reverse their mental gears as if the conversation never happened, and will repeat what they said at the very beginning as if trapped in a logic loop. At most, and not less creepy, some will answer "yes you are right, but still I believe (...)". That happens because the mass of people isn't logical about what they stand for, but emotional. So that much, that here in argentina many parents and grandparents voted for Milei, even with extreme disgust, solely because of an emotional attachment to their sons who supported him. And that was the secret of Milei's victory, as I explained here.
I actually feel goosebumps reading this. I imagine macho, hardened, tough-as-nails men letting go of their decades-old belief. not because they necessarily subscribe to Milei’s ideology, but because they go along with their sons n hope that by doing so, will give their offspring a better future.
Our incumbent government is doing a decent job, but the main opposition party is broadening its scope of influence. I can’t imagine my parents’ generation voting for some politician just because their children prefer him. Voting here is still largely based along generational lines
That's exactly one of the key factors that made possible the impossible here, as I mention in that other post. Thank god you don't depend on that yet, but you will. Voting a given party because your ancestors did so was the norm here before that radical change that saved us against all odds (even against the parents themselves...)