Using the Paradox of Bitcoin Adoption as a baseline, I totally understand Saylor's stance, for his solution to the paradox is to understand bitcoin as the new gold and use it as such. Thus, in his proposition, he is just replicating the gold standard, although safer due to controlled scarcity and more robust private control (the gold standard suffered from a "50/50" shared control with the state). It totally makes sense, and it's a robust approach to the paradox. He has positioned himself thus to be the new Morgan behind the new US monetary system he envisions will ensue. Thankfully, no one has sole control on what bitcoin will be, thus the different solutions to the paradox will evolve organically. My answer to the paradox envisions bitcoin as universal currency and personal property, will share the basics of it soon (for I need you to test it).
Bitcoin is a tool. Depends how you use it. Once engaged, or measured, it changes states. Think quantum.
We agree. The debate starts when we think of a same use, and thus how to achieve it. In this case, solving the paradox on adoption.
Cold storage vs. Node storage