Hi All,
Looking to see if there are any projects in the space where businesses can hire talent and pay in sats?
I know there are bitcoinerjobs, but a lot of the stuff I am looking at is more gig or short-term project based work (editing, marketing, etc.)
Would love if there were opportunities to pay individuals in satoshis to both support the circular economy, but also do so through a secure mechanism.
Best Regards
There are a few sites aiming to help this type of use-case:
None have really achieved scale or top quality projects just yet, but hopefully in the next year or so we’ll see this much more commonplace.
On the fiat side, Rentacoder.com got acquired by freelancer.com which got acquired by upwork.com and they in turn rolled up many other gig economy job sites. Each time, the quality of the average freelancer declined, although it is still possible to find very good ones if you know what you are doing. They have network effects that are very challenging to compete with.
My concern is that if these Bitcoin only gig sites become successful and scale properly, upwork.com will swoop in, acquire them, or alternatively, offer Bitcoin as a payment option crushing this niche category.
As far as Bitcoin-only (or even bitcoin-accepting) competitors, Upwork and such are unlikely to accept bitcoin from employers, and unlikely to pay workers in bitcoin. The reason is they do not want disintermediation. If all Upwork does is match make employer to worker, then that's a single transaction, afterward the employer can just pay the gig worker directly for subsequent work. If the employer is already paying Upwork in bitcoin, it's a trivial step for the employer simply to pay the worker directly.
Thanks for the clarity on the history of the acquisitions. The more interesting question is clarification on how Bitcoin payment makes disintermediation more feasible than fiat payments? PayPal is pretty ubiquitous in non-sanctioned countries.
it's a trivial step for the employer simply to pay the worker directly.
Doesn't this imply it would be trivial for a Bitcoin based gig site to get disintermediated as well? How does the Bitcoin based gig site survive under such circumstances?
this imply it would be trivial for a Bitcoin based gig site to get disintermediated as well? How does the Bitcoin based gig survive under such circumstances?
My guess is that they don't, at least not in current form.
If I had to take a stab at a prediction, I'ld say that at some point there will be success in bitcoin-based taskwork / gigwork. If it does occur, it will probably come in the form of tasks identified by AI that need to be performed by a human, and some high volume of taskwork / gigwork hiring then is performed where payment is in bitcoin.
My guess is that they don't, at least not in current form.
nym does not check out, at least in current form.
Didn't have much luck on Upwork either, to be honest.
I did...as an employer, not as a worker. Although, I can imagine that it is quite difficult to cut through the noise. Job offers get very large numbers of bids, many of them insanely cheap. Like most things, you get what you pay for, and it takes an experienced nose to sniff the quality offers.
This is exactly what I was looking for David, Thanks!!!
Freelancing platforms which pay in Bitcoin, and other ways to earn bitcoin https://cointastical.medium.com/freelancing-platforms-which-pay-in-bitcoin-e38be56166df
There is (just like with any labor marketplace for online work) an oversupply of talent globally relative to demand. Therefore, this imbalance results in unreasonably low compensation levels offered, which results in -- for the most port, only unreasonably low-skilled talent interested in advertising their availability. But there are diamonds in the rough, if you know where and how to search.
Great link, thank you!!!

Freelancing platforms which pay in Bitcoin

Moonlighting [Altcoin affiliated]
BitLance [Development stalled]
Coinality [Reports of login / sign up issues]
EthLance [Altcoin affiliated]
XBT Freelancer [Currently, not accepting new sign-ups.]
The platforms aren't really the issue right now its the quality of work listed on there, very few tasks worth peoples time, better to just use traditional freelance services where theres a network effect, sure they nail you on fees, but you can always just swap out into Bitcoin afterwards
The bitcon-based platform that will most likely result in an offer to hire (for a project) getting qualified candidates for the project within a reasonably short amount of time (e.g., 24 hours) is Microlancer.io's Task Marketplace.
Or perusing their Microlancer Services may yield a suitable candidate as well.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 3 Jun
Didn't have a good experience with Micro lancer; it's not the site, it's the "users" that try to cash some easy Sats.
Just like with P2P trading. You as employer should be very clear and precise about what is expected. The risk is minimal as the funds are released only when you as employer release them (or a dispute is decided in the worker's favor, ... which likely wouldn't happen if they were trying to cheat, and you had the receipts).
I wonder if in time one of the popular platforms will just offer a sats payment option. The bitcoin integrated platforms that I have seen don’t seem to have had much success.
hmm, I think it would be hard for these larger platforms to have this, especially in the U.S. because of KYC/AML & all of that nonsense. In addition, they want to offload the risk to a bank or payment solutions fintech, and maybe to try to avoid dealing with chargeback risk. as they are just trying to get that middleman fee.