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"Have the courage to be disliked" is an awful advice.
You want to be a likeable person. You want people thinking you are reliable and a worthwhile guy. People will treat you better and opportunities will come your way if people like you.
Bottomline: be likeable.

"Have the courage to be disliked" is an awful advice.
You want to be a likeable person. You want people thinking you are reliable and a worthwhile guy. People will treat you better and opportunities will come your way if people like you.
Bottomline: be likeable.

I couldn't give a damn if people at large like me or not, for why should I? I don't know 'em, and often times I won't see them again; I'll add that I'm a misanthrope.
Nonetheless, If you live your life with the pursuit of being liked by everyone, then I'd bet that you'd end up pretty miserable.
Being liked by everyone is not the point. The point is to be likeable, to be a person people wanna be around, to be the guy people wanna work with, a person they can trust, someone that is not a burden for others.
We can't pretend the opinion of others would not affect our lives, most opportunities happen due to networking, which in a sense is knowing talented people you like and they like you too, otherwise you wouldn't connect in the first place.
Psh, taxes.