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This weekend, I was rushing to finish the fifth book of The Wheel of Time series, because I needed to give it to my mom before she left on a trip. We've been reading the saga together, which is pretty fun.
Anyway, over coffee, I was regaling my wife with the latest twists and turns of the story (which she found riveting, no doubt).
Our daughter overheard me talking about "Darkfriends" and wanted to know what they are. I told her that they were bad guys from the book I'm reading with Grandma. To which she said "I want to read it, too."
I told her it wasn't like her books with pictures and that she would have to learn how to read first. She replied "Ok!" and sprinted off to her room, presumably to learn how to read.
lol. Kids interest fired! …. you just need to keep nudging.
That's the plan
136 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 3 Jun 2024
We are fantastic mimics. I imagine a large part of raising good children is being a good person, and when they're away, making sure they're around good people. That sounds both easier and harder than making them good in some other way.
You're always being watched, even when it seems like you aren't. It definitely keeps you on your toes.
We're very lucky to have my parents around, because they are both great people and great grandparents.
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 3 Jun 2024
Your mom seems really fucking cool
Good she is excited about it. My son read early and he loved to read when he was little (still does). My daughter is giving us a hard time about it. She reads well enough when she does her lessons and I will catch her reading things in everyday situations but when it comes time to read her books she tells me she can't read and I need to read them to her and will even pretend she doesn't know words that she definitely knows to get out of it when you ask her to try to read.
Anyways, I am sure it will come. She likes all her books, it's not like she doesn't like the idea of reading books she just wants you to do it for her. Haha. Delegated proof of stake instead of proof of work.
I feel like someone once said you can reframe these parenting challenges.
For example you could think "I still get to read to my daughter. She probably won't always want me to do that for her."
This is true. Once and awhile she still asks me to carry her up or down the stairs when she is tired. I do relish those moments because she is getting big so fast, I know there won't be too many more of them.
Kids are awesome like that. I remember when my daughter was two she picked up on my interest in Economics and Bitcoin that was newly ignited at the time. She even knew who Max Keiser was!
That's great! My wife thinks our daughter is going to pick up some unusual views from me.
One example that comes up pretty often is when she asks why we have to stand in line and I tell her "Because they don't have a functioning price mechanism."
I can relate to that!
I love her bold confidence. She probably expects to be able to access Darkfriends after spending some time with her books.
It's really funny how she mostly doesn't seem to be paying attention when we're talking, but every once in a while she just latches onto a word or phrase that she hears us say.
One of her books has the phrase "take the rap" and every time we read it she says "Rap!?! What's 'rap'?" It doesn't matter how many times we've read it, that phrase always catches her off-guard and she's always excited by it.
It's beautiful to watch a child developing an interest in something. With mine, it started with buses, this is actually how he learned his numbers, by memorising bus numbers, lol.
Kudos to your daughter and all the best to your family.
It's amazing to see what grabs their interest. Why do kids find buses so fascinating?
Yeah, absolutely amazing and mysterious fascination.
Kids often leave us in a situation where we have to choose between reality vs right. The reality is that a small kid can't infer what 'Darkfriends' so correctly but the right way is to 'tell them something they can relate with darkfriends in their current cognitive levels.
A huge salute for your parenting skills and a huge shout out for your depiction of such subtile emotions of parenthood and childhood in a matter of few lines.
I bought my niece goodnight bitcoin and read it to her every year. It is a fun memory we share :) Good for young ones. https://shamory.com/product/goodnight-bitcoin/
Do you read her a lot of books? I enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss to my kids.
Yes. My wife and I each read her a book of her choice before bed, plus anything she wants to read during the day.
My kids loved dr Seuss. My daughter loved the dinosaur names one. My son enjoyed the places you can go one. Did your kids have a favorite?
Children learn from what they see, if they see you reading, they will also want to read, good anecdote :)
When I was little I also downed into pictureless books solely because I saw my fathers doing it. It's impressive how the need to emulate, at that age, is above own stimulus.