The (likely automated) spam bots have arrived!
Each account has a post with the same image (partial image snap follows):
Uses [![](IMAGE)](URL)
One countermeasure could be to disallow clickable links on images. Or, in this case, the link is a reflink -- so disallow links on images when they've already been seen previously).
Also, it's the same image used in each.
So another countermeasure could be to URL and if the image has already been used in another comment that some alternate occurs ... like cost increases exponentially (?), or ??? But having to create a new image on a CDN (or imgur, in this instance) for each comment spam post would add a hurdle that would likely dissuade the spammer.
Another thing that could be done as well is to notify the product/brand being spammed. Usually they have in their Terms of Service for their affiliate program that spamming the link is not allowed, and cancel the spammer's account.
i like this first strategy as a simple fix… can’t think of any good reasons for why links should be embedded in images
I think creating an account is free, as is adding a bio. This hacker found a way around paying to post his crap. Funny we were just talking about shitcoin spam, but I didn't imagine it would be bots. I guess whitehats and blackhats equally will root out your weaknesses.
Yesterday there was discussion on this:
and a comment by k00b:
And today, a Discussion post by an SN user:
Dodgy ads comments posts and bios #56057