This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
The (likely automated) spam bots have arrived!
Each account has a post with the same image (partial image snap follows):
Uses [![](IMAGE)](URL)
One countermeasure could be to disallow clickable links on images. Or, in this case, the link is a reflink -- so disallow links on images when they've already been seen previously).
Also, it's the same image used in each.
So another countermeasure could be to URL and if the image has already been used in another comment that some alternate occurs ... like cost increases exponentially (?), or ??? But having to create a new image on a CDN (or imgur, in this instance) for each comment spam post would add a hurdle that would likely dissuade the spammer.
Another thing that could be done as well is to notify the product/brand being spammed. Usually they have in their Terms of Service for their affiliate program that spamming the link is not allowed, and cancel the spammer's account.
i like this first strategy as a simple fix… can’t think of any good reasons for why links should be embedded in images
I think creating an account is free, as is adding a bio. This hacker found a way around paying to post his crap. Funny we were just talking about shitcoin spam, but I didn't imagine it would be bots. I guess whitehats and blackhats equally will root out your weaknesses.
Yesterday there was discussion on this:
and a comment by k00b:
And today, a Discussion post by an SN user:
Dodgy ads comments posts and bios #56057
reply dont know about the lightning network and i cant tell them caus im banned.
they dont know that lightning adresses can look like emails, they dont know that lightning transactions are vastly more private than on-chain transactions, they dont know that you can use your LN wallet to login to websites. THEY KNOW NOTHING and its sad
Maybe it’s willful blindness?
bitcoin brunch at 10am!
It seems like kraken and bfx are proponents of 0 base fee
The idea that money being idle is bad is bad. The whole point of money is that you and i can do extra work (maybe i will catch 10 fish, eat 1 and sell the rest) in return for money, so I have saved it up and can consume it at a later date than the best fish preservation methods would allow.
It goes even further than that. Saving is literally productive:
Very short summary: savings deals with events that insurance cannot.
Where's the love!
Bitcoin energy for all bitcoiners.
Reminds me of that evil eye in lord of the rings
Morning SN community
Hope you are all well !
I’m well thanks have some Sats
Gm, have a nice day