Week 9 in our MLB Survivor Pool has completed.
The current prize pool is: 72,337 sats
The following players were issued strikes this week:
Unfortunately @Bell_curve has struck out and is eliminated from the competition. Thanks for playing.
The rest of the week played out as follows:
There are 9 competitors remaining. Everyone has at least 1 strike. @pj and @grayruby have 1 strike. Everyone else has 2.
Good Luck in week 10.
That prize is getting pretty juicy.
Indeed. Hopefully you guys don't revolt and call it rigged when I inevitably win.
I am feeling more and more like you might be a time traveler and have it all figured out... pick up a strike here and there but know all the correct teams to pick!
I took your Astros this week. Hopefully they treat me well.
I got my fingers crossed for you!!! This team seems so close to turning it around…
Cardinals and Angels this week. Should be able to go 3-3. Right, right?
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 3 Jun
I mean honestly I see it either being like a 5-1 week or we shit the bed. The team seems to be moving to either figure it out or blow it up
Looking good so far!
Why would we think that? It's an entirely different account running the pool.
No one would ever question my impartiality. GR just assumes that him winning would be such a shocking event that no one would believe it to be feasible unless something untoward occurred. Hopefully someone else wins so we can avoid PoolGate.
Maybe there will be a player prop scandal that corresponds with the win. That'll be hard to explain.
Plot twist: the Pool account is actually administered by Jontay Porter.
I did joke initially with NFL survivor pool that I was going to rug it like a crypto project.
Blue Jays treated me much better than they treated @Jer.