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Writing this from the back seat of my car getting ready for the nights sleep. All I have in this world is my car my phone and my BTC and somehow I am at peace. I hope you are doing well in the world strangers.
Bitcoin is not just life changing money, but wife changing money.
Sorry to hear that. Sleep well tonight. Take it one day at a time.
Don't you have a job? Gotta count that one in the belt too if so 😅
all you need are sats, the rest is excess
I feel for you. Great to see that you are at peace. Wish you all the best!
From someone who has been there, ...
You can't change other people's minds.
You can work on yourself.
Take some time to think through things, but don't get stuck ruminating over things from the past. Those neurons need to be figuring out your path going forward, and then executing on those plans.
Trying to learn coding right now but I need place to live luckily I can move wherever so I’ve been looking at traveling to somewhere cheaper and more rural. Thank you for your kind words.
I'm sorry to read it 😭. Hope you both are doing well and she'll find someone better than you without any sats. On your side, it hurts to lose lovely one and anyway time goes on. Bitcoin fix everything and Bitcoin will fix this situation too
Stay strong, mate
Stay safe
She might come back for your bitcoin after this bull market
Bitcoin is all you need. Everything else will be fine.
Hope you improve your situation soon.
Just wandering if you wife knew about your stack of SATs?
It's all you need.
Whatever you do, don't touch your BTC.
My God!