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Electric lawn mowers are great. Quieter, more powerful, no toxic fumes or gasoline, and far less maintenance than a gas mower. However, there’s another way to level up your electric lawn mower game and that’s with the latest onslaught of robotic mowers hitting the market. Autonomous mowers that use proximity sensors, computer vision, and accurate to the centimeter global positioning systems are everywhere now. Last year I beta tested a model that’s out on the market now, and this year I bought myself a second one for comparison … and because I have a tech addiction problem … I even have a third, but it’s technically not a mower in its current configuration. It’s a yard robot with a snow blower attachment that I’m looking forward to testing out next winter. When I said that these things were everywhere now …. maybe I just meant at my house. But seriously, how well do they work and are they worth it?
eh.. I think i saw the company that was doing this on shark tank.. In general, they will allow you to own it, but they rather charge an arm and leg. They prefer for you to have a subscription service to mow your lawn.
I think this market just needs more time, for homeowners.
Interesting. The video didn't mention anything about that. It sounded like you can just buy the robots outright. They are very expensive, though.
each company is different, some go by SSAS model or buy outright. Buying outright limits their ability to collect on you once it's sold so naturally they need to charge an arm and leg.
Mowers and tech don't pair well, did no one see lawnmower man?
no more technology is not always the answer. Get a reel push mower.
I used one of those when I was younger, but my wife bought a power mower and it's enough of an upgrade that I'm not tempted to go back.
The robots aren't quite for me, but mostly because they seem too expensive and I'm skeptical of the software you have to install.
The physics for the reel mower are different than the rotary. You will find you arent as tired mowing the lawn using a rotary.
I'll keep it in mind. I'm trying to phase out as much lawn as I can, anyway, so ideally I won't need any mower, someday.