Nice try, fed.
No, wait. For real, I start with 21, but I'll also multi-zap posts I like. But I guess I'm one of those folks who don't have special numbers for zapping. I do have numbers with personal meaning, but don't zap based on them, nor do I do the standard variants of 42/69/420 (though I hit 42 a lot because of double zapping).
I don't inherently quantify how much a post or comment is worth, going more from my gut at any given time, so I'm sure I've given more sats to "lesser" posts, and probably overzapped a few (and definitely accidentally zapped a post or ten on my phone).
I probably should come up with something of a personal "formula," but that involves too much work.
You might also hit 420, if you really go nuts with the multi-zapping.
I've moved away from trying to have a system for how much exactly to zap everything and go with my gut, as well.
I like having this framework that basically gives my gut three choices that roughly correspond to "good", "great", and "Wow!".