
Statutes, acts, codes, regulations are all quoted within court and the judge is hoping that your silence is acceptance of these jurisdictions, so it is assumed you have accepted them.
Remedy: when acts and statutes are used, ask who is administrating them and if the court has evidence that you are an employee of the government.
Note: within the legal system the people are “governed” by consent, and therefore acts, statutes and regulations cannot be forced onto a natural living person.
The court is operating as a “foreign vessel” at dry dock, and is not currently under any other jurisdiction, this is why so many people fall foul of this deception by quoting from other jurisdictions of law which are not applicable.
So before quoting acts, statutes, rules and regulations you should ensure that the court is operating with the correct jurisdiction, so ask the following questions:
1. Is the court operating within the Bill of Rights act 1688-1689? 2. Is the Coronation Oath act 1688 current statute law? 3. Do you accept the jurisdiction of the bench book?
Once these jurisdictions have been confirmed, you can now quote legislation from them.