The brave green world (which doesn't exclude any of the 'important' players and parties in german politics) in a nutshell:
A recent survey by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) highlights a concerning trend: over a third of Germany's automotive SMEs are planning to shift their investments abroad. This decision is largely driven by increasing bureaucratic burdens and uncompetitive conditions within the country.
Furthermore, the survey reveals that half of these companies are considering reducing their workforce in Germany, posing a significant threat to the national economy. In light of these findings, the VDA has called on the German government (which of course is a pointless attempt like talking to grass) to implement critical measures to ensure competitive energy prices, streamline planning and approval processes, and create a favorable tax and levy environment.
But when it comes to regulating this industry to death, Brussels and Berlin are working hand in hand. There may be a lot at stake economically for Germany, but nobody in the green bubble seems to care anymore. After all, money can be printed to fill the gaps left by ideology. You just have to be a firm believer (and hold on to a mandate for two legislative terms).
It's like watching a train crash in slow motion
They are going to lose the quality they are known for. Ever since Volvo was bought out by China, its quality has really diminished.
Sad to see
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK OP 5 Jun
Let them fall and learn. Or better: You even should kick in the back what's falling