I think your critiques are valid
I also think they speak more to the early adopters who came to the realization of need before others have - from being canceled by financial institutions with no improper conduct cited (like myself), or those hearing about "imminent financial collapse" for decades now, to those needing improvements in their health, lives and businesses
They all tend to have a sense of urgency
More and more, the people I meet with interest in Bitcoin have valid concerns, many if not most brought to light in the past few years alone
I am grateful for the recent madness - the gas pedal was stomped upon so hard that people woke up and realized they were in someone else's car rather than their own
Public education, public health policy, business closures and responses to regular everyday people seeking change - whether they're being arrested at US school board meetings or Jan 6 rallies, or punished financially for being linked to protests like so many Canadians
I don't subscribe to everything the "great awakening" implies, but I saw more change in the last few years than all the years since 9/11 combined...