Is your better half vested in Bitcoin? Did you have the honour of orange pilling her?
Yes. I would say I introduced her to it, rather than "orange-pilled" her. I believe "orange pilling" is a selfish metaphor for something as brilliant as Bitcoin, which has been given freely to everyone. Therefore, I think freedom of choice should be respected when introducing Bitcoin.
When we first met, I was just starting to write a book about Bitcoin jo. It was my peak excitement. And I didn't say a word about money or Bitcoin to her until she brought the topic up on some date. We sat on the park bench and we talked about the fundamentals of money.
Then maybe two months later as I showed her this "Don't Buy Bitcoin. It's Going To Crash!!!" -video as a joke
And after that she was asking where and how to purchase some. Before telling her that I gave her lecture about hodling for long term. Later on I also gave her a lesson about proper self-custody.
Now days she can often explain Bitcoin in more understandable way to many people who ask about it than I can. But to be fair, she has heard more than enough about money, Bitcoin and economics from me ever since she first asked to talk about money ðŸ¤