Even though my abode is right under the foothills of everlasting heights of the greatest mountains of the world; I have never had a chance to explore them from the tops. However, this year I've decided to explore the tops of these heavenly giants. Yes, I am from India and live in a place which are proclaimed to be the entrance to the Kumaon Himalyas.
The Kumon mountains starts from Sivalik range of Himalayas in the south and mix with the Great Himalyas in the north. The southern part of these beautiful mountains have shorter peaks (much greater than most other mountains around the world), but the northern mountains have many peaks of above 6000 Metre heights. The highest of them is Nanda Devi peak which is 7817 Metres above sea level.
Recently, I've decided to explore the nearest section of the greatest mountain range of the world a
nd began my journey towards the north from my place. At first I decided to move upward only till 4000 metres but when I reached there I couldn't help climbing up further. Mostly because the route ahead was a highway with a few patches of single side roads.
After travelling a total of 250 kilometres and reaching at the elevation of 6000 metres, I found a place worth stopping by.
Five shining peaks are visible from a distant and add to that the hue of green lush valley with deodar and pine trees below them is a sight to watch for hours.
Right below to these peaks, there is a town that resembles so much with Austrian and Kashmir landscape.
The mesmerizing effect of this place leaves you with no other option than to fall in love with the beauty and serenity spread all around. Here are a few other images
Amazing pics! Being up to 6000 metres has to be interesting, even for a walk, if you are not used to it.
Yes it was quite difficult when we were at the top. However, we stayed around at an elevation of 4500 only.
I've listened about this place. It's called the most beautiful place in the Himalyas. But what about roads? Are they safe? A good highway or just a single road?
It's good and adventurous.
Stunning views, looks like you had a wonderful hike
Yes, it was the best trip ever for me...the most exquisite one.
Wonderful views! A great adventure indeed!
Yes, it was. You know the Himalyas are so tall that the adventure gets bigger and better with the elevation.
I know, you've been to the Himalyas but not this side. So, I cordially invite you here and feel some eternal heavenly bliss of Kashmir, Gulmarg, Munsiyari, Shimla, Manali and many more...
No, I have not been to the Himalayas. It is one of the places that I want to go, but probably not able to go in the near future due to my time and schedule constraints.
So, I remember you said that you've been to Vietnam, Laos and nearby? Maybe then it was someone else.
Whenever you wanna come here, you're most welcome. I would feel very to be your host.
That was probably someone else. I'm actually not very well travelled. The only countries that I've been to outside of China (where I was born) and Canada (where I live), are US, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.
Whenever you wanna come here, you're most welcome. I would feel very to be your host.
Thank you for your offer! I will definitely contact you if I ever get the chance to visit.