I went on a hiking and trekking trip to the Great and beautiful Himalyas recently and shared two pics here on SN.
On the comment thread, @siggy47 came up with an amazing idea of hosting an SN meetup there.
This is just an idea right now and I and @siggy47 are quite interested and excited to turn this amzing idea into reality.
Considering that it needs some real and extensive planning with a lot to ponder over before execution. I want to invite all of you to join us here and put forward your views about this idea.
To connect you all with it, I precisely want to know-
How do you view this idea of a meet-up in a different country (for a lot of stackers) in general?
Will you be able to join it?
What are the things that can make you more interested to visit India and attend the meetup at the end of your tour?
Would you like it to be a short visit (just for the meetup) or an extended tour (India is a great travel destination)?
Any other input is also welcome.
Thanks in anticipation!!!
It might just be us. That's okay.
Yes, I've crossposted it to other territories as well after posting it to ~meta. There I got a very straight forward reply from @IamSINGLE that she will join on any date... So we are now, in fact, three .. positive signs.. much encouraging..
My wife will come too, if I can orange pill her by then.
I think a zoom meetup would be kind of cook. But zoom isnt anonymous, is it?