It used to be much more common, here. When I was a kid, lots of stores would have free cookies for kids or coffee for adults.
America's descending into a low-trust culture, so a lot of that stuff is going away.
I got many funny stories to share:
a taxi driver who I found in the street gave me his name card, and I called him a few times then there was a time he was too far away, and then he contacted his friend to pick me up, and I didn't have enough cash with me, and then the driver simply said send money to his friend later it's fine and left, I could have not paying?
also cafes or restaurants here just let you tell them what you ordered...ppl could have lied?it's really crazy like ppl could have just walk away without paying too.
I like how ppl here still have good level of trust, but at the same time, some ppl would try to scam you, seeing that you are a foreigner. It's like you are being showered with kindness, but at the same time, you would be in some sharks' mouth if you are uncareful.