Well shoot - after reading through this I have even less optimism for any type of far-reaching mint or federation being developed any time soon....err...at least in the USA or EU...
I feel like there will be some smaller successes in those countries but they are likely going to be prone to being shut down if they get they see large user numbers (as you pointed out as well). Of course I would also expect some fairly large rug-pulls unless we do a very good job of monitoring them...which I guess is a hurtle to be figured out yet???
Anyway - I had really been hoping to start using a federation to run a property management company in and maybe that will yet happen in the future...for now I think it needs a little more time and I will stick with excel and lightning.....
Actually, there is a really solid and feasible to implement proposal, coming from Cashu author, about monitoring the activity of mints with decent tradeoffs: https://gist.github.com/callebtc/ed5228d1d8cbaade0104db5d1cf63939