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Having some pain in my heart about the U.S. elections.
Ever since Obama campaigned for office, an increase of more young voters have come out of the woodwork. Things have not improved. They've actively told you that "your vote matters." I believe this to be a lie unless any citizen can demand at the gate, at the White House to be allowed to hold and point a gun to the president's head. (Relax, this is a hyperbole)
Why so dramatic? Well, what does the president do? Sign bills, commands the military, nominates new Fed chairman, ambassadors, judges and senior officials all while traveling in luxury planes and living in a white palace for four years.
They promise Every TIME to protect citizen rights when they take the oath and office.
...They've broken this several times, in so-called "emergency-crisis"
The purpose of a president, today, is to basically hire armed thugs to keep the citizens in check and make sure you "voluntarily continue to be a slave," to the system, hence the IRS. The corruption extends from the cop to the judge and even to politicians. The politicians get paid from lobbyists to create bills in congress for the president to sign. There's no right answer when money is involved with politicians. It is the same if you vote Obama, Biden, Trump, or Haley. They will wield the pen to give power to themselves to so-called benefit to the country.
In the first 100 years of presidency, the government wasn't even a big deal. They didn't even interfere with your life as much as they do today.
^^ You hold the power in your hands, don't let them take it.
Just Don't Vote. End the Fed. Opt out.
There's no such thing as a good president or politicians.
If there was, they would have issued non-interest Federal Reserve Notes. Lincoln and Kennedy tried to do this, they got shot.
There's still a banner of America there, but it's so far gone that I cannot even recognize it. However, I do see a bunch of 🏳‍🌈gay pride flags.
✨Paul Revere got it wrong, when he said to the British, "Give me liberty or give me death." Liberty and freedom are two completely different things.
I can understand many will disagree with me, and you might be thinking, "This time will be different." I, respectfully, disagree, and the proxy wars are proof. Learn the importance of Bitcoin, every Satoshi takes money away from the Fed.
Correction 👉Patrick Henry said the "Give me liberty or give me death"
Complete article here
Missing text 👉You hold the power in your hands, don't let them take it. Don't believe me? Try to get a loan from a bank without a signature. Your signature is as good as gold (if not better) and is an original trademark.
I choose to form my own path, even if it means leaving everything I knew prior. It doesn't have to be a spiritual thing. Some, have called me religious because of this. We're all capable of greatness and having humanity.
✨Don't have a machine heart with a machine mind. Instead, choose to have a heart like the cowardly lion from the "Wizard Of Oz."

Straightforward from Merriam-Webster

Choose Right or Left? No control, to be 100% without restrictions- free.
✨I disagree with the example sentence given. Because you cannot advocate for human freedom and own slaves, it's contradicting it. Which was common in the founding days.

My closing remarks

Have you watched the video below, what 30 Trillion dollars in debt looks like visually? Even I was blown away. https://video.nostr.build/d58c5e1afba6d7a905a39407f5e695a4eb4a88ae692817a36ecfa6ca1b62ea15.mp4
I say this with love. Hear my plea?
Normally, I don't write about anything political. It just feels like a losing game. My energy feels it's in better use to learn new things, write and to create. Even a simple blog post as simple as this. Stack SATs, and remain humble.
WORST advice ever - your vote TRULY matters in local elections, and local elections influence regional elections, and regional elections influence national elections.
Vote, and make a difference in YOUR OWN community!
I agree, and every time I've tried to tell myself this time will be different it never, ever is, so now I just stack sats and focus on what I can do. So much less stressful, and at the same time much more fulfilling, because as you stated, just by stacking sats it gradually takes power away from all this corruption and all the circus acts. Great post!
Thank you for your kindness.
Hell yeah!!! Don't vote and don't pay taxes!!
I didn't vote in India elections as my revenge and definitely I font pay any taxes... If you want to harm the system, harm it from the front.
Voting or no voting is secondary, it's your mindset that makes you a slave. I libe in a democratic country but I ain't a slave of the system. Instead I'm the owner of it. I'm putting everything in Bitcoin and I know that this way I can be sure that the whole world can be roped into one thread. Bitcoin is a bargain for a real utopia, democracy has fucked the ideals of utopia and IMO, it's the worst dystopian diaspora in these times.
End the Fed, would supposedly end taxation. This is something to look forward to. I hope we live to see it brother.
Both started in 1913
Before that, hun. America was built on the blood and labor of slaves. It started at the end of war.
End of war in 1776 or 1865?
The Fed was created in 1913
Income Tax amendment passed in 1913
If America was built on the labor of slaves, how do you explain the poverty in Africa? And black neighborhoods in USA?
I'm not an American, but if I were, I wouldn't go to vote either, I never go to national elections to vote, or any other, today is the election to the European Parliament and I won't vote, the voting system and parliamentarism is a scam, and I'm not going to perpetuate it, even if you can't make the change, I know more people will realize this as time goes on.
Correct don’t vote get involved. Become a party delegate! Or run for office yourself!! Be the change you want to see. Put forward good policy that benefit all not a select few
Also, if your vote matters, it's odd that not once in American history has a single vote decided any election at any level.
That seems like a much better description of "complete insignificance" than "mattering".
How i look at it, and why i think it's very often pointless to vote, is that those really in charge are unelected bureaucrats, who can easily sabotage an elected politician's plans (if they have one)... Also, democracy absolutely doesn't work with (increasingly) diverse societies.
"If voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it" someone once said that and it ain't too far way from the truth. They need masses to confirm what they have fostered and advertised but that has nothing to do with what they do in the office AFTER they are elected.
They need a legitimate reason to take office, otherwise its a coup (as in COUP D'ÉTAT)
Sure I want small government that does not run my life, builds roads and stays away from my kids, but that's not happening here in today's America. Our ideas from the Founding Father are so twisted now, it's a miracle that we still have the constitution. So vote or don't vote it's your choice. Hope it makes you feel better. At the end you don't really vote for the office, the electoral college does, so there is another can of worm I won't get into.... It's your personal call, do as you please. I do agree on end the Fed part, they did more damage than good (except for themselves naturally) but I don't see that happening anytime soon unless people stop using dollar and switch to something the government can't control..... only if we would have something like that.... :-) oh wait....
Not voting in the election isn't a solution. The solution lies in a peaceful revolt against what you don't believe. But again it shouldn't be something that you and you only believe. It should be something that most want to have. If everyone says that voting is an ineffective thing in democracy these days, go for it.
Not voting is also voting. Just like a marriage certificate, it's just paper.
Your local vote matters a great deal. The person elected DA, Sheriff, Judge, School Board will all have direct and measurable effects on your freedom (see: Covid 2020-2021)
Its understandable why the "dont bother voting" idea gets promulgated, its certainly alot easier....we can all just "absolve ourselves" from any responsibility to improve things and stay on the couch.
You're told to vote, its just to reaffirm you exist just like when you get asked on the phone, "is this a person?" Its to confirm they have you in the matrix.
This is right wing propaganda at its finest. Telling people not to vote because they know when more.people vote, they lose. Fuck you spreading this bullshit. Our country is far behind the rest of the world in the categories that truly make a country great and my generation and below will finally help us catch up. Can't wait til the boomers die off.
There is nothing right wing about this. I think if you can step back and realize that both left and right are both highly captured by interests that ultimately want the same things. More power for the government and less power for the people. This non voting position doesn’t choose a side, rather opting out entirely because both options are horrible. Is your idea that someone would spread this because many are conflicted about voting for Biden but certainly would not vote for Trump? And you think the poster is trying to prevent those who are conflicted in an attempt at increasing Trumps chance at winning? If so, I can see where you’re coming from. But I don’t think that’s what this post is aiming at doing.
Not.voting at all is nothing but white privilege in a nutshell. By not voting for Biden if you're anti-Trump you're increasing his chance of retaking office and turning our nation into an authoritarian one.
You're also giving a big middle.finger to women, black people, and every other group that had to fight for their right to vote by not voting.
If you think either political party cares about blacks or women I am sorry to tell you, this is not the case. There is not party for the “little guy” so to speak. Just one party is willing to use that rhetoric because they have determined that is the best way to market themselves and secure more support. Of course you are free to agree or disagree either way I couldn’t care less. But I urge you to dig a little deeper and think what truly matters to some of these people. Also what kind of person strives for these positions of power and what connections does it take to get there? I don’t mean this in a condescending way either so I apologize if it seems that way.
What I don't appreciate it calling me a right-winger, accused me of voter suppression, then puts up a video of how Trumpism I am and now "white Privilege".
Where's the logical in that?
32, woke and broke trying to earn a few sats. GTFO
AJ 1992 is unhinged
Your white privilege is showing bud. One party is loyal to one man who has stated in his own words on video that he wants.to.be a dictator.. One party is loyal to the United States constitution.
Seems like a big difference.to me.
Lol, have fun staying broke. No where on my post will you find that I prefer ANY candidate. You're so illiterate that your making accusations.
Blacks and Hispanics have lower rates of voting and registration than whites.
Voting is correlated with education and income
They have lower rates because Republicans have shut down polling places in their communities or severely limited early voting or voting times. They also institute voter ID laws knowing that these people in poverty can't afford a state ID (they cost $ to obtain you know), and make it extremely difficult to obtain one if you've never had one. Voter.ID laws aren't necessary because when you register to vote you must produce a SSN, along with a birth certificate at minimum to even get on the voter.rolls. Then, you have people who work long days.and don't have time to go stand in line.for hours to vote because election day isn't a national holiday like it should be and employers aren't required to give time off to vote. I bet.you think the Jan.6th criminal convicts are "warriors" too right? What happened to the Republican party of law and order?
why is this right wing? Even a right wing person would tell you to vote.
Both sides ARE NOT THE SAME. Not even close. You're the one stuck in the illusion if you think they are. The differences are night and day, especially in today's political climate. One side is loyal to an orange convicted felon above all else, the other side is loyal to the American people and fighting for the rights of marginalized communities and women, ect. The Republicans have always been a cancer to our nation but ever since 2015 when Trump came.onto the scene, they have shifted their loyalty completely to one man instead of our constitution. I mean today's Republicans are out there on tape waiting to get into Trump rallies saying that "Russia is not our enemy." And other similar stuff. Reagan is rolling in his grave!
The Brennan center is a left wing nonprofit
Hardly objective
College students should not vote
18 years is too young Terrible amendment, should be repealed
If only men voted most states would vote Republican
If only women voted most states would vote Democrat
If political parties were sent instead of people
Typical right winger that wants to suppress the vote. I bet you support voter suppression tactics and gerrymandering too don't you? You know when more people vote, your side loses. Get over it, this nation is DONE with the Rethuglicans policies that are nothing but cancerous to our nation.
I got an idea. Let's have children vote(that's what you want)@AJ1992 Tell them about your wonderful world, all they have to do is be willing to die for the country. They happily comply and will even suicide for the greater good. See, how long it takes before there will be no more voters. Because they've proudly served, and maybe got a few cheap metals. All while, you're screaming on top of you're lungs that each and every one of them count.
I will not take part in such affairs for such an evil agenda. Not voting is also voting.
Absolutely I support limiting the franchise. There should be a literacy test for voting
I am not a citizen of the USA. Therefore, I will not vote in the US elections.😜