Took time to articulate my personal values.
What are my personal values?
Fun has got to rank highest in my personal values. Although I come across as an intellectual, I’m actually rather playful and like to inject fun into everything I do. I think if something is fun, it makes it more emotionally appealing, so people will have a more lasting impression. I am also enterprising. I pride myself in being an early adopter of novel technologies. I like to try new ways of doing things to see if I can achieve different or more effective results. It is linked to my value of fun because I find taking on new challenges fun. My last value is networking. I delight in meeting new people and cooperating with them on projects, Learning different points of view helps me identify my blind spots and sharpen my thinking. Not to mention how variety is the spice of life!
What are your top 3 personal values?
I was told today that my love language is “acts of service.” That’s only one but I think it tracks.