I couldn't find anything but zap which is not maintained anymore. I'm looking for a super easy experience. I don't want to run my own node. I tried that and lost $800 worth of bitcoin trying to hassle with channels.
Zap was forked into BitBanana (really cool one) https://github.com/michaelWuensch/BitBanana, that now supports LND, CLN and LNDHUB accounts too. But indeed it is not anymore for desktop.
Nevertheless, Zeus and Blixt are working on both iOS and MacOS. Zeus can be used on both methods, remote LND node and embedded node. Blixt can be used only as embedded LND node.
ONE IMPORTANT ASPECT: you cannot run an embedded node on two platforms in the same time ! Only remote nodes can be accesses from different platforms.
Another option is to use Electrum wallet, that supports desktop and mobile, but remember, do not use the same nodeID.
Here you have detailed guide about all LN wallets: https://darth-coin.github.io/wallets/lightning-wallets-comparison-en.html
I need ios and linux and like i said i don't want to run my own node. I have no idea how to get one though.
You and I are the same in that aspect. I'm not too deeply technical and find myself messing up on some of the basics of managing channels. The good news though is many turn key solutions are coming to market (or are already here).
I had the same question.
The only self-custodial Lightning desktop wallet I found is Electrum.
Electrum has its own Lightning implementation designed for desktop use. In other words, It's not a UI which wraps a LND, CLN, etc, node.
Of course, there are risks to mitigate when a Lightning node doesn't run 24/7. The short of it is that if an Electrum Lightning channel is in the state in which funds can be stolen by the other party, then simply run Electrum once every 6-7 days so that it can check for cheating attempts.
That's just a little bit of maintenance to get a really damn good Lightning desktop wallet.
One thing to note is that Electrum has been around for a long time, and thus has been the subject of hacks. So it's important that you download Electrum from https://electrum.org/ and verify the download.
If you want easy use Exodus, just don't use their exchanges. Use to store and move when want/need. Works on all platforms and it does have LN on mobile. Like with anything else, read the manual and use with caution.
Blockstream Green
For lightning Mutiny has mobile and browser support
If you dont want to run a node then you can't have self custody on lightning
You can, if you use submarine swaps:
That's not self-custody, that's a custodial shitcoin that uses a centralized exchange to get to lightning
only thing that i think could work for you is mutiny, having your seed in the phone and on your desktop as a pwa.
shockwallet.app has a PWA and syncs state across devices via Nostr
It will spin up a cloud-based node once it's economical and the backend will automate your channels... backups are encrypted and wrapped into Nostr also to keep things simple
Beta-ish so be prepared to report (hopefully just minor) bugs