"Adoption" doesn't always choose the best technology. BetaMax vs VHS anyone?
Businesses in a market place organize around value and trust. It's why supply chains are reliable and valuable.
Private money (ecash) will be organized and layered atop BTC.
Those who choose to use ecash will value the "utility" and "ease of use" at the fee they are willing to pay (Voluntary exchange). Is this not Value for Value? To maximize "utility" businesses may organize - Wallmart eCash at Starbucks, and starbuck ecash at Wallmart. Network effects of private money.
Trust has risk but Trust also has value. Being Trusted as a brand is not free and takes time.
Any Bank/mint that "behaves badly" will get wrecked so fast in an open digital marketplace. Silicon Valley Bank was gutted in 48 hours because of its withdrawal API. If a mint blocks a withdrawal, the brand damage will be irreparable. Users don't forgive or forget when they lose money.
Trust accrues to those who behave well.