It was impossible to ignore the clap: last night's EU election result led to the collapse of two governments. French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron called new elections, while his Belgian counterpart resigned directly from office. Both green-socialists had previously received nasty electoral slaps and these voltes, which will initially distract from the fact that the parties will move even closer together in order to counter the sovereign's desire for an end to the illegal mass invasion and the bureaucratic overloards in Brussels.
With their vote, people have strengthened the right-wing side of the parliament and given the increasing eurocentrism, the climate panic narrative, the control fetishism from Brussels and the inflationary policy of the European Central Bank and its debt makers in the states their first receipt. Looking at the ongoing and soon deepening recession in the eurozone, this is unlikely to be the last. The Eurocentrism of Brussels' central planners has turned the eurozone into a low-growth, de-industrializing and no longer competitive location. Moralism instead of reason, climate panic instead of trational arguments, socialism instead of market economy. So now the first slap in the face... Welcome to reality!
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Great post, Tom. I was reading about Macron's snap election move. I guess these two part elections will draw from a different voter bloc and could harm LePen?
thank you. the main problem with Le Pen is that she has already rejected the coalition with her counterpart from Germany, the AFD. if there is no rethink, it can be assumed that she is completely compromised like Meloni in Italy.
Why do you think this is? Is she just a politician who doesn't really want to crack the system?
Their entire program is based on the idea of overcoming Eurocentrism and returning to national sovereignty. This is likely to have brought the globalists from Davos onto the scene
Is this her niece?
She is the daughter of the party's founder Jean-Marie
In Portugal, the right-wing secured their strongest victory since 1994, garnering the third-highest vote share in history. The far-right experienced a significant decline in votes compared to the legislative elections held a month prior, demonstrating that their previous surge was likely a protest vote. Portugal's political landscape does not reflect broader European sentiment.
but when using the term right wing, always keep in mind that these used to be conservative centrist positions before the West was contaminated by cultural Marxism
As they say in Poland, "Can you hear howling? That's great," but for me it's not enough and I'm waiting for more support from Eurosceptics.
The far-right parties made significant gains in the recent European Parliament elections, potentially signaling trouble for President Biden and a boon for Donald Trump's prospects in the 2024 US presidential election.

Key Points

  • Far-right and populist parties won around a quarter of the 720 seats in the European Parliament, with Marine Le Pen's National Rally party in France emerging as the biggest winner.[2][3]
  • The surge of the far-right is seen as a broader trend of conservative nationalism and anti-globalism capturing voters, similar to the forces that led to Brexit in 2016 and Trump's victory that year.[2]
  • Factors driving the swing to the right include backlash against immigration, concerns over climate policies' economic costs, rising inflation, deindustrialization, and cultural issues around gender and sexuality.[2][3]
  • Commentators warn that the European results could foreshadow massive trouble for Biden in the 2024 US election and a potential boon for Trump's prospects, given the parallels to 2016.[1]
  • French President Macron called a snap election after his party's poor performance, fearing a far-right takeover if he doesn't act.[2][4]
So in summary, the strong showing of far-right euroskeptic parties in Europe is viewed as an ominous sign for Biden's re-election chances, potentially mirroring the forces that propelled Trump's 2016 victory.[1][2][3][4]
Sources [1] Right-Wing Dominance in European Elections Foreshadows Trends that Could Signal Massive Trouble for Biden, Boon for Trump [2] The far right surges in the European vote, rattling the leaders of ... [3] What's happening in the EU parliamentary election? The biggest ... [4] EU election updates: Far-right gains deal stunning defeats to ... - PBS [5] Migration is derailing leaders from Biden to Macron. Who's next?