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Do you think America (not the empire) is salvageable or does something drastic need to happen (like national divorce)?
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I consider that the only thing that remains for the USA in its condition as the maximum empire is the fear of other nations that it uses its atomic weapons, and for now that it continues to export its inflation to other countries for its currency, which is used as a reserve. world. But it is quite curious to see data from other central banks, and see how they are getting rid of their holdings in dollars or bonds and are fervently buying gold. and on the other hand there is the BRICS bloc which I consider to be an extremely powerful group, here I firmly believe in the predictions of RAY DALIO, who states that we are seeing how the American empire dies and the empire of the Great Chinese Dragon rises.
The rise will be India, not China.
The majority will come together under a common threat. But it takes time and pain and death first.
Do you see that common threat coming from one of the current conflicts or is it still over the horizon?
If you know the history of world wars, they take decades to truly develop. I believe future historians will say WW III started in the mid 2010s, but in earnest in 2022.
I've been saying the same thing for a while. We're probably already midway into WWIII and several years into a global economic depression, but it won't be described that way until after the fact.