This resonates pretty strongly with me, too. It reminded me of the optionality post #512150 from a couple months ago.
I'm trying to be in a position where, if I "find the thing that unites them all, that I can give myself to", I can jump on it. Until then, it's a slow building out and accumulation of things that might help me do so, and move me in the direction I want to go, either way.
Gradually, then suddenly. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
It also made me think about entropy. I think being able to tolerate larger amounts of entropy allows you to take more advantage of different situations and see the potential in them. Needing things to be a particular way limits your scope.
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Needing things to be a particular way limits your scope.
That's a big truth. Limits your scope, and leaves you increasingly buffeted by the world.