• Egypt (3150 BC-1200 BC)
  • Lydia (1200BC-550BC)
  • Achaemenid Empire (550BC-330BC)
  • Macedonia (330BC-315BC)
  • Seleucid Empire (315BC - 200BC)
  • Rome (200 BC-395 AD)
  • Byzantine Empire (395-660 & 750-1200)
  • Umayyad Caliphate (660-750)
  • Florence & Venice (1200-1450)
  • Portugal (1450–1530)
  • Spain (1530–1640)
  • Netherlands (1640–1720)
  • France (1720–1815)
  • Great Britain (1815–1920)
  • United States (1921-2027)
  • Bitcoin  (2028-forever).
strange - why there is no Ottoman Empire? and why 2028 for Bitcoin 🤔
also using the mix of empire/country names and currency instead of currencies in each periods seems quite inaccurate, as most of them probably used gold.
why there is no Ottoman Empire?
Great observation
Why 2028 for Bitcoin
I think is next Halving.
That's right, they mostly used gold and silver, plus, I think they have pulled the Bitcoin thing out of their sleeve hahaha.