Awesome! I was getting really curious about what you were building with all those blog posts!
I'm trying to get a grip on how the tipping works. My understanding: A musician sets the number of sats/play for a track. A listener then "boosts" it, paying for their own listening but can then also pay for additional plays for other listeners effectively sponsoring the track? Very cool mechanic!
Can you describe how a self-hosted wavlake synchronizes with the centralized discovery service?
Edit: wen move to Austin? We need more founders in Pleb Lab.
Thanks, @k00b! You nailed it on the tipping, it's a bit like listener sponsorship. I mainly wanted there to be as little friction as possible for a new visitor to hear new music, but also encourage supporting artists at the same time.
So I have a proxy/middleware server running that can connect to any wavlake server and link it up with the front-end. The front-end has its own caching layer with stats like plays, etc. Once a server is registered to a user on, the user then can create and manage tracks via the site. There's a lot of friction in the connection/registration process currently that I need to sort out, but would like to see what kind of appetite there is for this model in general before going down that road.
Austin sounds like a fun time, man. Would love to at least check out Pleb Lab in the near future :)