It's not a surprise to see the lack of people here on Stacker News discussing the fiat & casino games associated with trad-fi markets. Especially Gamestop. But here in this post out I urge you to please read on, because there are some significant implications for markets coming-up, should rumours start to be confirmed and priced-in to markets.
Mainstream media and even the likes of ZeroHedge seem to believe the GME squeeze is over. It is far from it. I wasn't even aware until this weekend of how crazy and outlandish Gamestop investors believe the company's future plans to be. There is A LOT not being discussed currently. A lot happening behind the scenes. This is a company likely in rapid transformation, if the rumours, memes, legal docs are indeed true.
Some of us Bitcoiners have theorised that Gamestop will buy Bitcoin with the cash they have raised from issuing more shares of late. Their CEO Ryan Cohen, has described himself as a libertarian which makes this a possibility. But with MSTR and other companies already starting to follow that playbook, this may not be so groundbreaking for markets. Even if it could theoretically cause a short-squeeze.
What seems to be in-process however could be something far more powerful & impactful for investors worldwide - particularly for those that believe the retail business Gamestop is ludicrously overvalued or destined for the dust.

1. Mental Markets

If you've been living under a rock in recent days, here are some highlights from our apparently stable financial markets:
  • Berkshire Hathaway (Investments), Barrack Gold (Commodities), NuScale Power (Nuclear) & several other companies stock dropped 99% due to a "glitch" last Monday 3rd June. A reminder - no smoke without fire.
  • Gamestop was halted 27 times on Friday 7th June. Illegal and provable manipulation, in front of 600k live people watching.
  • Nvidia CEO was found signing a lady's chest last week. Top-signs - much?
  • CPI and Federal Reserve's interest rate decision are landing Wednesday 12th June.
  • The Japanese Yen has faced interventions if you remember as far back as April 29th. We may soon see this soon repeat, as the Yen looks to be breaking down once more vs the dollar, given Japan's 250%+ debt load.
Markets are becoming insane and increasingly so by the day. And we haven't even got to the main topic of this conversation yet...

2. So What Happened Last Friday?

RoaringKitty / DeepF&ckingValue / Keith Gill "disappointed" those 600,000 people that tuned-in to his stream on Friday last week, with many describing it as a bit of a "nothing burger". Spare a thought for all those hedge-fund managers and talking-heads that were actually required to watch it. LOL. But for those that paid attention, it was actually far more impactful than meets the eye.
A lot is laid out in this Reddit post by superstonk about Friday's RoaringKitty stream, which I urge you all to read if you can still stand lurking over there...
RK (Kitty) has consistently used memes and movie-references to communicate (without affecting or interpretation by algorithmic AI trading bots). On Friday he used the same glove like the film Lucky Number Slevin. Just like in the film misdirection was used, a Kansas City Shuffle. And he didn't just wear a sling to misdirect people.
What he effectively proved by going live with his stream, is that stocks are being manipulated, not by himself, but by the clearing houses, the DTCC. Markets were effectively paused on the exact time of the timestamp of the stream and subsequently during the stream when he shared his plans to show his portfolio. This action, to disable buying, will now allow Gamestop to remove shares from the DTCC, likely this week, which they have consistently threatened to do over the past few years.
Removing the shares would allow some actual price discovery of the asset without the market manipulation that we have seen of late. DTCC have not just been pausing markets, they have been actively selling fraudulent GME shares into the market whilst buys are disabled. If Gamestop manage to remove this capability from DTCC - it may cause havoc on markets. Find out why below. Furthermore, Gamestop seem to have a long-term strategic interest in listing their shares elsewhere. Alongside several other plans...

3. Gamestop Next Steps

What could happen next is that many "zombie" companies are in the process of being resurrected, bringing them under the wings of Gamestop. GameStop is on a shopping spree and is likely to merge with businesses priced for bankrupcy by markets. There is growing awareness in the GME community that seeds & clues are being planted inside the memes that Keith Gill is creating. These are not JUST meaningless memes. There is actually some sound logic behind their interpretations.
The memes have allowed him and his team to communicate without meaningfully affecting markets/trading. Gamestop as a business has been testing and trying new things (inc. NFT marketplaces) and may well be ready to unleash a new revamped business structure soon. Including a one-of-a-kind dividend. The likes of which could be enough to break the stock market.

4. The Mega-Merging Corporation

This may sound insanely speculative, but Gamestop may soon become involved with some sort of mega-merger. There are quite a few signs pointing to this, when you go digging. Plans to transform into an Amazon rival after years of planning and execution in speedy fashion. At least this is the degen bull thesis.
A series of acquisitions, rebirths and alliances to join together a number of other companies, a giant M&A including but not limited to:
  • BBBYQ (formerly Bed Bath and Beyond, now BuyBuyBaby - completion soon)
  • Icahn Enterprises L.P. (IEP)
  • Toys R Us (TOYRF)
  • Blockbuster (BLIAQ)
  • Chewy (CHWY) - formerly Cohen's company
  • Beyond Inc. (BYON, formerly Overstock)
  • Newell Brands (NWL)
  • Cohen & Company (COHN)
  • MetaMaterials (MMAT)
  • Tuesday Morning (TUEMQ)
... some/many/more of these entities may become part of a larger holding company called Teddy Corporation. Look into SEC filings and you may reach a similar conclusion.
Sounds like a joke right? Sorry to disappoint, I'm genuinely being serious 🤣
Teddy is currently a children's book store, just like Amazon started out as a book store. Except they have created documents registering the name as an investment bank, with Teddy the name selected out of love & appreciation for Ryan Cohen's father who had previously left us:
He showed me an exceptional work ethic and an unwavering commitment to delayed gratification. Even though he is no longer with us, his legacy will live on forever. By writing these books, I am sharing his values and passing his wisdom on to my children. Ryan Cohen -

5. Laying Breadcumbs as Units

RoaringKitty mentioned his "mistake" at NOT buying Bed Bath & Beyond on a stream 3 years ago. Which was seeing large insider-buying by company directors:
It is now rumoured to be being bought-out by GameStop as early as this week.
RoaringKitty also posted in one of his memes in 2021 about 'Jeffrey' being a clue. Potentially the Jeffries LLC acting as agents in these new share or 'unit' issuance notices, might be what he was alluding to.
Twitter MemeLegal Docs
With Jeffries as the "agent", companies have been issuing new filings and new "units" (not shares) as early as 2019. Soon to be unveiling this new investment structure and also for a future tokenised world.
Pay attention to the use of units, NOT shares in these notices: "Each unit will be issued so that the holder of the unit is also the holder of the of each security in the unit."
This is not common language and yet it is used extensively with a number of companies being linked to GameStop and their legal teams. Here is another one for Beyond Inc filed (BYOR) today, June 10th. The company formally named Overstock. They even raised money on public markets to not even benefit their business themselves. Why would they do that?

6. The Implications

Just imagine for a second, all of these brick & mortar businesses, some of them reorganised, cleaned-up, digitised & ready to be spun-up once more - specifically targeted at the youth & families of America. All working and collaborating against Wall Street to break-free of naked short selling. With the aim of bringing manufacturing and main-street business back to the United States. That's the theory.
Businesses with well-entrenched brands, with their bad debts offloaded in bankruptcy, soon to be unshackling themselves of fiat markets. Suddenly and unexpectedly being repurposed and reborn under competent leadership, with directors that have invested their own capital & skin in the game. It would be the ultimate activist investor move.
It isn't a large stretch after reading this to imagine Toys R Us joining Bed Bath & Beyond AND Gamestop AND Cohen's old company Chewy under the same umbrella corporation. The same is true for several other businesses above.

Kitty mentioned on a stream 3 years ago that Ryan Cohen, like in the Social Network, is coming for the "whole thing". He doesn't just want to build a retail gaming store. Him together with Brett Icahn (son of Carl Icahn) may have been busy restructuring legacy "bankrupt" companies behind the scenes. If true, just think of the implications.
I know many (including myself) have had questionable timing on the collapse of markets, and turbulent times previously. But there is a non-zero chance IMHO something crazy is going to take place this month. A historical next few weeks in markets potentially.

7. Cascading Bankruptcies (741)

There are countless references to 7-4-1 amongst Kitty's memes. It could mean 7 shares for 1, but it is far more likely referring to bankruptcy.
741 refers to the section in case law for bankruptcy. In the US Code in particular - subchapter 3 is specifically used for Stockbroker Liquidation.
One of the biggest brokers worldwide Interactive Brokers, their chairman Thomas Peterffy has repeatedly said HOW CLOSE THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN TO COLLAPSING in on itself.
He has been interviewed many times in recent years, with incredibly telling body language & strong words. He has also been selling his own company's stock hand-over-fist, like many other CEOs of late. He knows they will be one of the first dominos to fall in this cascading short squeeze.
"If the longs had known that they have the right to ask for their shares.. and they really wanted a Short Squeeze then thats what they would have done"
Under such a scenario, the brokers themselves will be liable to purchase-back the shares AT ANY PRICE and cover themselves even when the short holders are liquidated. If any of this comes even close to any resemblance of truth, even if just a few of the above companies become part of this GME corporation, it would force short sellers to deliver shares from EACH AND EVERY COMPANY that Gamestop acquired or merged with. This doesn't just apply to Gamestop short-sellers either, sell pressure would appear on almost every stock on the NYSE and Nasdaq exchanges too in order to exit their short positions. And that would cause a cascading waterfall of liquidations that markets are of course NOT pricing in and simply cannot.
Speaking of waterfall, when was the song Waterfall, by Paul McCartney, released? June 13th, 1980.

8. Thursday June 13th

GME's Annual Board meeting is on Thursday 13th June at 10am CDT.
Tesla's Annual Board meeting is also on Thursday 13th June at 3:30 p.m. CDT. For Tesla the votes will be published on whether they are in favour of Elon's $56 billion compensation package or not. If that were to pass, what might he spend that cash-pile on you wonder? If that were not approved, Tesla mentioned that Musk could spend his time working at “other places” if his pay package isn’t approved.
Larry Cheng, board member of Gamestop was also found asking on LinkedIn about what was the most impressive acquisition in history the other week - specifically referring to Google acquiring YouTube.
It stands to chance that other mergers will soon go down in history as more significant? 🤔

9. WARNING - Own your shares in DRS (Direct Registration System)

As RoaringKitty is telling people today in his morning meme, people need to "self-park" their shares. A bank run is imminent - perhaps for Citadel, perhaps for others. Do you not think he chose this movie scene for a reason?
The Direct Registration System (DRS) allows registered securities to be held in electronic form without having a physical security certificate issued as evidence of ownership.
Taking direct ownership of any long-term stocks from your broker if they allow you to, may be a wise move, if there is any truth in all of this. Especially if you still wish to purchase or retrain ownership of any shares/units after reading this. Gamestop shares or other company shares.
GameStop has reported on many occasions now DRS count numbers in SEC filings. The first company of its kind to report on the number of shareholders. There is even a website specifically created on how how to DRS your shares from Interactive Brokers.
One of Kitty's memes references papers (share certificates) being "the originals" and their miraculous importance. I would NOT overlook this, if you're investing in these manic markets. Failure to take ownership may see you not retaining ownership of title! The protected financial institutions retain title in the event of bankruptcy. I have posted about this on SN previously, in the Great Taking #333980.

10. Just Buy Bitcoin?

Now you're probably thinking... "DUDE, just buy Bitcoin and chill". Well yes, that is no doubt THE strategy to protect your future. Self-custodied corn. However this does seem like quite a sensational story and one I wanted comment on. As a Bitcoiner, you've probably missed or completely ignored this potential mega-merger entirely. Hence why I wanted to bring some discussion to it. Even if it does not come to pass.

11. Massive M&A

Several other companies have referred to their stocks as "units" in the same context in recent years, with ties to the same lawyers (inc. Duane Morris that represent Cohn & Company & Gamestop amongst others). Another company who has done similar, which you may have heard about before, is a company called Nvidia.
This mega-corporation called Teddy / GME, if it comes to pass, could see it become like Berkshire Hathaway, with different investment & retail businesses across different industries. Speaking of which Warren Buffet recently invested $6.7bn in Chubb, an insurance company that has silently (until now) become Berkshire Hathaway's 9th biggest holding, having kept it secret for 3 quarters. This despite sitting in on a mammoth $182 billion of cash currently. Make of that what you will. Chubb is part of this network of companies involving Brett Icahn and may be tied with this mega-corporation. Much like Berkshire Hathaway is positioned today.

e.g. LEGO

Furthermore, it is rumoured that one of the companies created by Teddy / Gamestop management may have purchased or is in the middle of purchasing a 10% private stake in Lego for $930mn amongst others also. Lego Family Heir Sells $930 Million in Shares, Boosting Siblings’ Stakes.
Such a deal might allow this new Teddy corporation to become a reseller and/or share profits.

12. Activist Alliances

Ryan Cohen is a self-proclaimed activist investor, amongst others like Icahn. Here is the definition of an activist investor from Motley Fool:
Activist investors push for changes that would increase the company's share price or benefit the activist investor directly. Companies that are poorly managed, have inefficient operations, or face some other solvable problem are common targets of activist investors, who often specialize in only certain types of enterprises.
Ryan Cohen has also many times on many occasions spoken about how he finds it deeply unfair that Wall Street has benefit where Main Street has not. And how he favours employing and working with people who have a chip on their shoulder or "work hard" above all else, something you have heard from Nvidia's CEO, Musk and others previously.
As mentioned, the GME crowd have stated and have reasons to believe that a number of high-profile other activist investors are involved with this vision of a Great America or GMERICA 🇺🇸 as some seek to term it.
I'm not buying-into it all as believable, but the story, the logic & evidence I do find to be fascinating. It's certainly fitting for a movie some day. The odds to me may still be low but are they really as low as Wall Street analysts seem to think - at zero?
The following people have been pictured together in recent months, and working together with many law & M&E firms:
  • Ryan Cohen, CEO of Gamestop has openly stated he is in favour of main street progressing rather than Wall Street leeching off the economy.
  • Brett Icahn - the son of Carl Icahn has taken on the mantle and has been pulling-the-strings behind the scenes on some of these reorganisations.
  • Donald Trump, Bill Pulte & Mr Beast have been pictured in discussions in recent months. Trump handed his social media company 'Truth Social' on a plate to Elon's X recently too. Pulte bought-out Bed Bath & Beyond prior to bankrupcy proceeedings.
  • Elon Musk has tweeted about "going beyond" (like some of the companies are named above). X is no doubt likely to go a step further and buy-up eToro to bring trading to the platform, cementing its place as a super-app. Building on the current functionality since 2023, before it too goes public. But given the concerns Elon has had with short-selling for both Tesla & Twitter maybe it cannot take place until naked short-selling is eradicated for good, on new market rails. Rails on web3 that GME (in conjunction with Overstock) have the ability to utilise.
There is this tweet from Elon in recent days. Talking about how shareholders owning other stocks of his may see them being rewarded/gaining preferential treatment with new company listings. When the only publicly-listed company of Elon's is currently Tesla.
It may be a stretch but Mr Meme Musk himself also been quoted as saying: "I'm always looking for ways to donate money that are actually good". Mr Beast and Pulte are also some of the biggest & most effective philanthropists worldwide. Make of that what you will. I too am clueless.

13. Defunding The War Machine

Bitcoin itself is a defensive technology. Starving the state and banks of resources, but as we have seen with Blackrock and other banks of late - they are quite happy leeching off the new system whilst they have the means.
What if we didn't have that time on our hands, to prevent worldwide chaos? Well, perhaps a controlled demolition would be preferred. That could perhaps be why the alliances might be incentivised to work together to create this giant Teddy corporation. A corporation that would bring down financial markets and destroy many of the untouchable banks. Gamestop is more than just a meme stock, should it become Teddy Corp after all. It will put a stop to these financial games by attacking the bankers at their own game, using their own ammo & positions. Positions have never been closed since 2008.

14. Degen Incentives

Lastly, this is most definitely NOT my thing but there is also speculation brewing that GME holders will receive copies of a Wu-Tang Clan album , never heard before. Minted for each holder of GME units as an NFT, which would need to be delivered to holders (or by brokers) as a dividend. Typing that makes me cringe & chuckle at the very same time. But that is where we are in 2024.
So why is this interesting? Well it of course creates degen demand for GME shares, given it would be deliverable via an alternative exchange, but it would also be purchasable or redeemed on that new marketplace Gamestop has beta-tested before, not privy to the short-shenanigans funds have previously employed. It could also lead to Ethereum suddenly having a new rhetoric again and being brought into the limelight, along with its previously dead layer 2 project Loopring. But who the funk knows at this point.

16. Further Reading

Much of the above is based on extrapolation of rumours, research, filings & speculation - and really has only been packaged into something barely legible for you stackers. May look a total t!t by writing this all out, but so be it.
Some of you find this entertaining or intriguing - and if so I would encourage you to follow the talented @edwinbarnesc (Twitter) + superstonk (reddit). They are the legends, particularly Edwin that has been exposing a lot of the paperwork, deal-making and uncovering hidden meme-meanings. It really is an interesting narrative, in spite of the ridiculous meme nature of GME stock trading.
Thank goodness it's Meme Monday at least!

16. Final Words

Finally, for those that are into anime storytelling, we end with another of the discoveries from @edwinbarnesc ... where Gamestop tweeted about an anime story - closely resembling the main street vs wall street battle that is unfolding.
Jujutsu Kaisen is an anime about 2 opposing forces who are sorcerers, each battling to take over the world and using something called cursed energy.
One of these forces, the bad guys, wants to optimize humanity for the next stage but that means enslaving everyone else under a New World Order. Similar to the globalist WEF agenda.
And then there is the opposing force, the good guys, that wants to help humanity reach the next level of evolution. And that means getting rid of cursed energy from the world because they are pro-humanity.
Later in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, during this fierce battle it shows the Japanese stock market's NIKKEI 225 (that is now priced at 40,000) in detail crashing to 26,000 points. That is quite specific.
Still think Gamestop is just a meme stock?
I am not saying you should invest in GME shares at all. Certainly not. I hope however this opens your eyes to the fact that the Gamestop trend is not just about clueless degen kids investing in a dying business. They too are investing in a brighter future, desiring a future without these bankers fixing markets and are believed to be following along the action in real-time. They are just choosing to invest in a blockbuster backstory that gets bigger by the day, with countless clues & paper trails.
But will this plan come to pass? June may soon tell us...