thanks! That's part of the points in sharing, getting input for improvements:)
Never store your 12 words on digital form, that's bad practise.
agree! I normally don't store full words anywhere, and making it in a way only I am able to decode. 🤓
Instead of Electrum, I decided to go directly with Sparrow Wallet in TAILS.
I'm going to try install Sparrow Wallet in Tails later tonight!
Border Wallets
interesting, never heard of this, and thanks will check it out.
10x Security Bitcoin Guide This is one awesome guide that recommand to create a Multisig wallet. It talks about paper wallet and other hardware wallet. The principle remains the same, one could follow this guide and use 3 different paper wallet to create a multisig 2-3 for exemple.
I think Multisig is a bit unnecessary for individuals? (I actually tried it before) why not simply use an extra seed phrase. 👀