I can't seem to find a reliable source for this either, but it's circulating. It looks like we were negotiating an arms deal around the same time, so maybe it got extended?
Neither that article or this one mention the petrodollar, and I also can't readily find confirmation of a June 9th end date.
I can't even find confirmation the deal had an end in the terms. It could just be speculation given the deal would have been exactly 50 years old on June 9th according to this archived NYTimes article from June 9th 1974.
I've also been doing some research and I haven't found any source that explicitly states that the agreement would end on the 9th. From what I've read, there isn't a specific date because it was a series of agreements made at different times. What might be happening is negotiations between the US and Saudi Arabia, and these negotiations could bring an end to the petrodollar.