Yea it's good to keep an open mind nowadays. I was at the Oracle conference in Vegas last year - and one of the AIs they announced was doing the job of like 20/30 coders. I was so impressed but also terrified. Being adaptable is key in a rapid change like we are now.
The nice thing about that is I believe no one really enjoy just writing code in the long run, it is more a blue collar task. What AI cannot do I believe is build smartly things and resolve problems which have never been resolved. 10 years ago I already was hearing people who were setting up network devices (switches, routers) would get fired in the future. It was progressively being replaced by virtualized machines (at the time Openstack was all the rage). In the end people who can manage virtualized environments are recruited. And jobs like that were already outsourced to Indians in South-Asian countries anyway. We will see! I share your feelings.