I want machines, robots and so called "AI" to do the hard work that humans are doing it now... not painting landscapes, making deepfake videos and write code etc
  • working in mines or dangerous places (radiation, volcanoes, space whatever where humans can barely can go or resist)
  • cure human wounds and restore tissues easily and fast
  • do precise technical tasks where humans can fail and/or get tired
All this crazyness with shatGPT is only making humans dumb not smarter.
For sure! I can get behind all that! In the meantime, I do think it's also a helpful tool for research. Yeah, I do worry about it making me lazy, but it's kind of like saying one is lazy for reading a book instead of learning every fact by traveling the globe and experiencing everything first-hand. It's just not feasible. That said, in general, I'm totally with you on all of this.