First gold and silver emerge as money widely accepted by everybody doing commerce. Then, the banks “secured” the bulky metal in a vault and gave you a paper receipt exchangeable for bullion at a fixed rate. Next, you were told that in the end paper is all you got and that you had to exchange them for goods and services. Now try to ask for your paper money in the bank and you will quickly be labeled a terrorist or a money launderer so paper money in the bank is gone too and digits on a screen is all is left of your money.
Finally, in the latest development from Mastercard cards with digit numbers will be phased out in Europe by 2030 to be replaced by payment modes using customer’s biometrics. So your fake money can only be unlocked by your body parts and transaction privacy is gone for good. The language is very telling because they argue that the customer will not be required to enter cards digits anymore while what they mean is that overtime everybody will have to use the new system.
So welcome to the end game of the fiat money scam! Luckily between precious metal and surveillance money bitcoin was invented and gives you the choice between freedom and slavery, the state knows it and is desperate, keep fighting the peaceful revolution
Total control is approaching, the more control there is the more Bitcoin will succeed.
Hate to say it but passkeys are much cooler and are just keys protected via secure enclaves. Nothing wrong with passkeys inherently…
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @xz 14 Jun
by passkeys, you just mean a private key? I get confused by terminology.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @Zk2u 15 Jun
Passkeys, the marketing term for WebAuthn’s discoverable credentials feature. Or whatever they’re calling it now (it’s changed at least once or twice in the spec).
Passkeys are very different from scanning your face and doing facial recognition. It uses local device capabilities like Windows Hello, Face ID etc to hold an elliptical private key securely on a security chip then sign a challenge given by the server. It’s basically LNURL, but better (cross device goes over Bluetooth instead of internet). Both are pretty awesome tho!!
15 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 15 Jun
Thank you for the explanation and the link. I wasn't aware of the technology, nor the development. Off to study that for a bit.
Passkeys are technically more secure than most bitcoin wallets rn. Very cool stuff. Do check it out! has a demo as well that you can try. They’re designed to replace passwords as an authentication mechanism.
Imagine the creative team making this video: "All right guys, this is exactly what you studied for: making people accept a horrible idea. -- Maybe some young people? -- Excellent -- Entrepreneurs? -- Fantastic -- Some pseudo technical mumble jumble? -- All right! Let's make some millions and call it a day
Exactly, I don't know what goes into people's mind when they promote all these "groundbreaking" innovations. I actually know people working in that space (e.g., fintech developing what looks like CBDCs) and don't even know they understand what they are doing and the tools of control they are building
Yep, the whole industry is building their own jail...
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 14 Jun
"The Demands of Modern Shoppers!"
I demaaand you make purcahsing everything essential to my life easy through my iphone.
Terrifying - You know now we are seeing Whole Foods and other places around the Arizona valley try to get people to scan their palms/hands to pay. This is a slow creep towards authoritarianism.
They know what you buy and they have your biometric data. What they hell are they gonna do with it?!
First they make it cool and useful idiots jump in then it is the only option and there is no escape left
It was only a matter of time. Everything is going toward the end game where they can track everything.
the state knows it and is desperate.
Yes, the state knows that their source of money is slowly going beyond them. It won't be easy to save fiat scam this time. They are trying to save it and doing whatever they can but nothing would suffice.
It will be over when the next global financial crisis takes over the world.
I like your style of prose. You get straight to the point.
Re: Mastercard, I saw this and instantly tried imagining looking up and to the left or pulling up my sleeves, touching a scanner with my finger and all I can think of is fuck that.
Saying that, I know it'll be a hit with someone out there.
Mastercard could just leave it at plastic, and I might even sign up for one of their cards one day. Can't help feel I'm ripping of retailers everytime I've used a card though.