Stacking sats is possible without being humble. Cultivating humility requires consistent effort in today's individualistic society. Humility thrives on interaction and engagement with others. I'm not saying that humility is inherently good or bad; everyone has to find what works best for them. Because, at the end of the day, it's not about the other, it's about ourselves.
I agree on this one.
Can we just say that humility with humble attitude should work better in most situations?
I believe so
Don't trade bitcoin like a degen is a good start I think. Just DCA and hold. So it's as much about what you don't do than what you do .
Having more sats does not have to change your way of being, if you consider yourself a humble person, continue to be so, with more sats or less, your value as a person will remain the same, just take advantage of the fact that you have more sats and continue doing it that well.
Okay. So, does it imply that one should stack sats while maintaining proud or self-asserting behaviour.
I mean staying humble is the way. Opposite to it, there's nothing that is acceptable to anyone. So, while you're humble, it's more favourable for stacking sats.
Think about it like this. Imagine when you were poor, or imagine if you were on the losing team at one point in your life.
How did it feel to hear from someone who was flashy, rubbing it in your face or being a show-off. Not good right? So ask yourself, why would you not want to be humble to others? By not being humble you make others envy you, make yourself a target, more hated, and less likely to give a positive impression to others. To each his/her own I guess!
Keeping it thoro! What it means being real and loyal to yourself.
what is the purpose of humility?
  • to aknowledge that we know very little, that we are often ignorant, that we were wrong. kill the ego.
the cure to nescience and ignorance is to seek out the knowledge from intelligent people and legit sources. do not ignore their advice, and do not ignore when wrongs are being done. speak about it and once u have the courage and resources, do something about it.
stacking sats gives us the time and power to acquire some knowledge and put it into practice.
so: humility helps us admit that we were wrong, so we go stack some sats, learn, and correct the wrongs using the newfound knowledge.