Agree. The bureaucrats of Brussels could simply do a few things.
  • admit the real problem for Europe and its aimed objectives to regain global relevance.
This would increase credibility of the EU and innovation of alternative niche industries and logistical methods that can help prove that the EU is still relevant in some capacity.
  • acknowledge that the non-OECD nations (the majority of the world) currently seemingly have little interest or motivation to prioritize the scientific rationale.
Until the promotion of fake alarmist environmentalism is recognized for being a scheme to raise taxes and somehow appear morally superior, the EU is fast-tracked to be the modern laughing stock of cultural marxism. The EU's century of humiliation.
Maybe it is what they want?
If not, but that's too difficult, too embarrassing and inconvenient to backtrack and admit the repeated failures of non-binding protocols of the past, perhaps the EU needs to focus on forging better relationships with other global regions first, before trying to preach from its place of irrelevance.