Europe is a continent poor in raw materials and the European Union is well aware of this. The euro currency project aims to keep a currency in circulation and important on a global scale that has no backing in real assets such as oil, gas or gold. the climate hysterical net zero policy must be seen against the background that the Europeans are aware that they will lose the currency war if they do not play by their rules and leave the fiat money status in the long term, in which other currency areas such as the BRICS states back their money with real collateral. It will then be incredibly expensive for Europeans to import the resources, energy and other imported goods they need with an ever softer currency.
The so-called Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D) is the second level with which the European Union is actively pursuing climate policy. It forces European companies to implement climate rules or human rights that are taken as a pretext by their import partners. As they are generally unlikely to be able to meet these high climate standards, especially in third countries, they are discriminated against in trade. European companies are faced with a bureaucratic burden that small businesses in particular can no longer cope with.
With this bizarre policy, the European Union is stifling free trade in an attempt to maintain its geopolitical influence. It is a curious logic of scorched earth that the bureaucrats in Brussels are following here. We are already seeing the first collateral damage in the de-industrialization of the continent, a persistent recession in the key sectors of the economy and the departure of numerous companies from the location. This policy will fail, as the world will no longer care about the particular problems of Europeans in the long term. We are facing the decade of raw materials, energy dominance - perhaps Germany in particular should have considered foregoing the gift to the Green Party and investing massively in nuclear energy. Prosperity and growth are derivatives of energy availability, free expression and decentralized voluntarily allocation of scarce resources - something that has been fought by Brussels like the antichrist.