I for one am glad he transitioned. I could never spell his old username.
It wasn't such a big deal after they added the username prompting but back in the olden days when you had to manually type the username I messed it up all the time.
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But every time I write his new name I think of a small mouse being stepped on…. Eeeek!
You made me look up if @e is still available
I was disappointed to hear @ek pronounced on SNL. I always hear it in my mind as one syllable.
Interesting. I hear it as e.k
Did you hear the deadname as just a big jumble of letters, then?
For the longest time I had the arrangement of letters wrong and thought it was
Ez eek is
I think I had it mixed up as ez key sis.
I added an extra s sometimes to.
On another note. My daughter was playing in the living room while I was watching baseball/basketball and she was tired so she went to lay in her bed.
I said “you have to come put away all your toys if you are going to bed”.
So she was putting all her toys away and I left the room to help my wife with something. When I came back her toys were away but she had taken out a balance scale and little weights that belonged to my son for his homeschool science experiments and she was back in her room laying down.
I said “I thought I told you to put all your toys away” and she replied “I did”. So I said “what about that scale” and she said “that’s not a toy, it’s a learning tool”.
Blasted! foiled by a 5 year old. Used my own words against me.
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