Here is why I ask this, please only read after voting:
I was recently surprised how many people think like this because I thought it was only a thing newbies say. Because it kind of implies of wanting Bitcoin to go "up". Which implies still using Dollars still as their unit of denomination - if not explicitly at least subconsciously. Bitcoin enthusiasts, of course, think in a Bitcoin standard as the unit of account against which everything else is measured - not the other way round.
I prefer thinking of Bitcoin as one of the greatest innovations ever that will bring mankind forward - not as some childish sense of revenge. It's also a very unproductive pessimist way of thinking - of course you can still make it! I believe in you, really. Start a business. Hard work and being honest at work pay off. Maybe switch jobs. Maybe take a step back and think if your goals are realistic. Maybe think about what even is happiness in life. Maybe think about whether these materialistic things are a hedonic treadmill and if this will ever end.
And maybe I'm more alone in this than I thought. But maybe you think like this? Maybe you don't explicitly think
Only a little / kind of / subconsciously25.4%
I already "made it"19.0%
63 votes \ poll ended
Which implies still using Dollars still as their unit of denomination
I don't agree with the spirit of this. Wanting to use your money as money, the way anyone would use any money, has nothing to do with "fiat mindset" or any such thing; it does refer to the practical reality that for the forseeable future, most of the stuff you want won't be priced in btc. Acknowledging that truth is not some kind of moral failure.
187 sats \ 0 replies \ @BTCFC 14 Jun
For me, Bitcoin has essentially changed the definition of 'making it.' When I was stuck in the fiat realm, I was like everyone else, chasing this idea of 'making it' defined by being financially successful. This money-centric way of thinking often led to feeling depressed whenever I would think about how I would 'make it' because it always seemed like you couldn't make it unless you sold your soul. Thus, I began to have feelings of frustration towards the whole idea of 'making it.' But Bitcoin changed that for me.
Thing is, for me at least, Bitcoin made me realize that the goal of life is not to 'make it' but to realize that the journey of life is one of constant growth. Bitcoin has allowed me to pursue this idea of enjoying the journey and not limiting myself to some artificially created destination of 'making it.' In this way, I am forever grateful for taking the Orange Pill and for the creation of Bitcoin because without it, I can't say for certain that I would see the journey of life the way I see it now. Bitcoin has empowered me to go beyond the idea of 'making it' and instead continue progressing, learning, and improving until my last breath.
Just my two sats.
It's less about "making it" and more about feeling secure enough to see a path off the hamster wheel. No matter how much fiat saved, and before better understanding the concept of hard money, there was always this underlying but indescribable feeling that enough was never enough. It's melting away, the supply is inflating, and the invisible threat of hyperinflation loomed.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @ez 14 Jun
For me, Bitcoin is more about becoming increasingly more effective individual as it is a great tool for optimizing one's focus and time.
If bitcoin went away, there are many more ways to 'make it.'
'Making it' feels like a misnomer but I feel like people just want more time and comfort for themselves to pursue whatever they deem meaningful which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The problem seems to be viewing bitcoin as 'last chance to make it' seems to indicate desperation and huge emotional attachment towards something you can't control. This doesn't seem like a healthy or sustainable thing long-term but again everyone is built different.
A healthier approach would likely be to think of bitcoin as just one of the tools to help make it - use it as a means of inspiration rather than desperation.
I will sound idealistic but fundamentally, I think there's no 'foolproof' substitute for good old proof-of-work, humility, and certain degree of risk taking - embrace those and you can always find new ways to 'make it.'
378 sats \ 6 replies \ @k00b 14 Jun
I think of bitcoin the asset like a life raft if anything, something that might protect me in very specific circumstances. Otherwise, I prefer to live as if I don't benefit from bitcoin the asset. In part because I think wealth dulls the senses and tends to make people aimless and hollow in purpose. The only comfort I want is knowing that I'm not going to fall into the fire under my ass. I don't want a life free of fire.
The only comfort I want is knowing that I'm not going to fall into the fire under my ass. I don't want a life free of fire.
This is awesome -- I'm going to steal it.
It's no small thing to figure out how much fire is the right amount, though.
108 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 15 Jun
I’ve seen people without any of it, as I’m sure you have, so that’s not the right amount at least.
I like a lot of it. I want to be cooking, but that’s probably not optimal for very long either.
How long have you been cooking? That would give a sense of scale.
Since moving to Austin ~4 years ago, I was boiling until we raised a bit of money. Now I'm simmering again. I think you can simmer indefinitely. And I think you can sustain a rolling boil for a couple years if you're confident you'll escape it.
If I had enough wealth and didn't want to dowse the fire, I'd probably try to put it into a trust. Bitcoin is like a poor man's trust.
186 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 14 Jun
I think bitcoin's volatility helps us treat bitcoin this way too. If it can go to zero at any moment, I can't count on it as my last chance. It's a chance at financial security/freedom, but our last chance is always ourselves. We are the only thing we have any control over. Our last chance is always us being awesome.
Answered no. I didn't make it, and not planning to make it until 60 years old, my initial plan. I am saving money for when I will be 60yo, and not planning to stop working until then. Given that gold is better than USD I think in terms of gold and indeed Bitcoin value increased, but the main goal is to not be a giver when banks will/might fail. However I can understand that people think adversely. I think these people will change over time.
Idk. I have no option. I have 2 banks not because I like them but because one hedges another. I have no bank with multiple decades of family relations to be proud of, like some random German I've talked to.
of course you can still make it! I believe in you, really. Start a business. Hard work and being honest at work pay off. Maybe switch jobs.
Unless you got in early, in order to "make it" you need both: what you said above AND bitcoin.
I don't think it's the last chance to succeed, since success is relative and can be achieved in many ways, on the other hand, I see Bitcoin as a safe haven asset and where to be safe from what may happen in the traditional financial system, nothing to do with it going up to be able to succeed, that in the end will make you see Bitcoin with the eyes of Fiat money
I don't think some bitcoiners look at the dollar as their unit of denomination, I think they look at the fact that they can walk to starbucks or their local mechanic and pay in bitcoin.
It also means that if you have a decent stack of the total supply of bitcoin, you should be set without needing to work. I know many have different interpretations of this though.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 15 Jun
Start a business. Hard work and being honest at work pay off. Maybe switch jobs...
What's the point if someone can take away the fruit of your labour without lifting a finger?
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @chovy 15 Jun
Yes. This is a one time offer.
This is actually a great great discussion! I think the aim of this article is now complete. The writer wanted to incite some debate. There's a lot to learn here.
For me, Bitcoin is like saving for future and 'making it' implies that I live in my own fairy world. Where I don't need to worry about things happening around me. Happiness from within and outside and live a life with dignity, That's my success.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Mmk 15 Jun
According to me, happiness is definitely necessary in life. But nowadays money is also required to live. Investing in bitcoin will make the future secure. That's why I believe everyone should purchase it. not much at least a little is right
Of course not. I know that if I work hard and apply my creativity and resourcefulness, I can create something unique of my own. Bitcoin is just the icing on the cake
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