For me, Bitcoin is more about becoming increasingly more effective individual as it is a great tool for optimizing one's focus and time.
If bitcoin went away, there are many more ways to 'make it.'
'Making it' feels like a misnomer but I feel like people just want more time and comfort for themselves to pursue whatever they deem meaningful which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The problem seems to be viewing bitcoin as 'last chance to make it' seems to indicate desperation and huge emotional attachment towards something you can't control. This doesn't seem like a healthy or sustainable thing long-term but again everyone is built different.
A healthier approach would likely be to think of bitcoin as just one of the tools to help make it - use it as a means of inspiration rather than desperation.
I will sound idealistic but fundamentally, I think there's no 'foolproof' substitute for good old proof-of-work, humility, and certain degree of risk taking - embrace those and you can always find new ways to 'make it.'