Let’s discuss protocols, not coin flavors. Yea, monero is a shitcoin — however: if your life depended on the privacy of a monero payment vs the privacy of a lightning payment, which are you picking?
Should Bitcoin development be trying to make coins more fungible (ala MW)? Should it be introducing graph obfuscation features like decoy ring sig txs and zkproofs?
These are things that shitcoins can experiment with no risk to BTC. When should BTC adopt privacy preserving protocols?
If is a shitcoin, there's NO DEBATE, no further discussions. Are meaningless. Case closed.
Protocols not coins. Should Bitcoin implement privacy protocols?
Ecash is VERY private...
It's just custodial with unproven reserves.
It is, but that last part is a pretty major caveat...
It's also not censorship resistant en masse. If a mints database is corrupted, is forced to shut down, or just flat refuses to exchange tokens your ecash is immediately useless
My God is the only real God and i will obey and never question anything.